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42. A Memorandum Regarding Our Stance Towards A Jewish National Home in Palestine
A memorandum vegn unzer shtelung tsu a natsiyonaler Yidisher heym in Palestine
א מעמאָראנדום וועגן אונדזער שטעלונג צו א נאציאָנאלער אידישער היים אין פאלעסטינע

43. Rubin Saltzman to Itche Goldberg about Travels, June 1946 (correspondence)

44. Gedaliah Sandler to Rubin Saltzman in Warsaw about Telegram from Feffer, Mickhoels, Summer 1946 (correspondence)

45. Rubin Saltzman to Sholem Asch about Publication for Children, December 1946 (correspondence)

46. Rubin Saltzman to Adam Rayski, November 1946 (correspondence)