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11. Rubin Saltzman to Henri Slovès Concerning a Visa for a Writer, August 1938 (correspondence)

12. The I.W.O. in Jewish Life, Fourth National Convention Report
Der Internatsionaler Arbeter Ordn in Yidishn Lebn
דער אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער אַרבעטער אָרדן אין אידישן לעבן

13. The [I.W.O.] Order in Jewish Life
Der Ordn in Yidishn lebn
דער אָרדן אין אידישן לעבן

14. Henri Slovès to YKUF Directorate about Report on Trip, November 1938 (correspondence, two letters)

15. Henri Slovès to Moissaye Olgin, Yosef Sultan, and Rubin Saltzman about two letters from the YKUF Directorate, November 1938

16. Rubin Saltzman and Joseph Opatoshu to Chaim Slovès and Ben-Adir about Expected Money, March 1938 (correspondence)

17. Henri Slovès IKUF to Rubin Saltzman IKUF about Lack of Promised Funds, February 1938 (correspondence)