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41. Speaker's Guide - Purim, No 4
Purim- materialn far redner
פּורים– מאַטעריאַלן פאַר רעדנער

43. Radiogram from Poland with Rosh Hashanah Wishes

44. To Help Our Brothers and Sisters in All Countries
Tzu Hilf: Unzerer Brider un Shvester in Ale Lender
צו הילף אונדזערע ברידער און שוועסטער אין אלע לענדער

46. Open the Gates of the United States to 100,000 Homeless Jews! Let My People In!

47. Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce), Regarding the Monument to Ghetto Heroes, April 1947 (correspondence)