11041. Fertilizers and crops, or, The science and practice of plant-feeding: a presentation of facts, giving practical methods for using fertilizers in crop growing, with special emphasis on the reasons underlying their use, and on the conditions of their greatest efficiency Creator: Van Slyke, Lucius L. 1859-1931. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Orange Judd Company, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1912 Format: Book
11042. Practical farming: a plain book on treatment of the soil and crop production : especially designed for the every-day use of farmers and agricultural students Creator: Massey, W. F. 1839-1923. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Outing Publishing Company, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1907 Format: Book
11043. Fitting sheep for show ring and market Creator: Clarke, William James, 1868- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Draper Pub. and Supply Co., Publication Place: Chicago : Date: 1900 Format: Book
11044. Cattle and their diseases embracing their history and breeds, crossing and breeding, and feeding and management: with the diseases to which they are subject, and the remedies best adapted to their cure : to which is added a list of the medicines used in treating cattle Creator: Jennings, Robert, 1824-1893. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: J.E. Potter, Publication Place: Philadelphia : Date: 1864 Format: Book
11045. The history of improved short-horn or Durham Cattle, and of the Kirklevington herd Creator: Bates, Thomas. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: R. Redpath, Publication Place: Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Date: 1871 Format: Book
11046. The Patrons of Husbandry on the Pacific coast: being a complete history of the origin, condition and progress of agriculture in different parts of the world ; of the origin and growth of the order of Patrons, with a general and special grange directory, and full list of charter members of the subordinate granges of California ; also, of the foes of the farmers, or monopolies of land, water, transportation and education ; of a protective tariff, currency and banking Creator: Carr, Ezra S. 1819-1894. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: A.L. Bancroft and Company, Publication Place: San Francisco : Date: 1875 Format: Book
11047. Profitable stock feeding: a book for the farmer Creator: Smith, Howard Remus, 1872- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: The author, Publication Place: St. Paul, Minn. : Date: 1905 Format: Book
11048. The theory and practice of cattle-breeding Creator: Warfield, William, 1827-1907. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: J. H. Sanders Publishing Co., Publication Place: Chicago : Date: 1889 Format: Book
11049. Horses, cattle, sheep and swine: origin, history, improvement, description, characteristics, merits, objections, adaptability south, etc., of each of the different breeds, with hints on selection, care and management, including methods of practical breeders in the United States and Canada. Creator: Curtis, George W. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: [s.n.], Publication Place: College Station, Tex.: Date: 1888 Format: Book
11050. Cattle, sheep and deer Creator: MacDonald, Duncan George Forbes, 1823?-1884. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Steel & Jones, Publication Place: London : Date: 1872 Format: Book