11. Absorption and extraction Creator: Sherwood, Thomas Kilgore, 1903-1976. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Publication Place: London : Date: 1937 Format: Book
12. A census analysis of American villages: being a study of the 1920 census data for 177 villages scattered over the United States Creator: Fry, C. Luther b. 1894. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Institute of Social and Religious Research, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1925 Format: Book
13. A chemical study of the phosphoric acid and potash contents of the wheat soils of Broadbalk field, Rothamsted Creator: Dyer, Bernard Shirley, 1856- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Pub. for the Royal Society by Dulau and Co, Publication Place: London : Date: 1901 Format: Book
14. A church and community survey of Salem County, New Jersey Creator: Brunner, Edmund de Schweinitz, 1889- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: George H. Doran Company, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1922 Format: Book
15. A comprehensive survey of starch chemistry Creator: Walton, Robert P. 1905- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Chemical Catalog Company, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1928 Format: Book
16. A critical review of research in land economics Creator: Salter, Leonard A. 1911-1946. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Univ. of Minnesota Press, Publication Place: Minneapolis : Date: 1948 Format: Book
17. A description of the bar-and-frame hive Creator: Munn, W. Augustus. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: John Van Voorst Publication Place: London Date: 1844 Format: Book
18. Aerial photographs in forestry Creator: Spurr, Stephen Hopkins. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Ronald Press Co., Publication Place: New York : Date: 1948 Format: Book
19. A flora of the economic plants of California: for agricultural students : including the important crop plants, agricultural weeds, poisonous plants, honey plants, medicinal plants, chaparral shrubs, native timber trees, and the most common native plants of the spring flowering Creator: Jepson, Willis Linn, 1867-1946. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Associated Students Store, Publication Place: Berkeley, Calif. : Date: 1924 Format: Book
20. After college--what?: a study of 6665 land-grant college women, their occupations, earnings, families, and some undergraduate and vocational problems Creator: Woodhouse, Chase Going, 1890-1984. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: The North Carolina College for Women, Publication Place: Greensboro, N.C. : Date: 1932 Format: Book