1281. The honey bee, its natural history, physiology, and management Creator: Bevan, Edward, 1770-1860. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Bevan, Edward, 1770-1860 Publication Place: London Date: 1827 Format: Book
1282. New observations on the natural history of bees Creator: Huber, François, 1750-1831. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme Publication Place: London Date: 1806 Format: Book
1283. The reformed common-wealth of bees: presented in severall letters and observations to Sammuel Hartlib ; with The reformed Virginian silk-worm, containing many excellent and choice secrets, experiments, and discoveries for attaining of national and private profits and riches. Creator: Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed for G. Calvert Publication Place: London Date: 1655 Format: Book
1284. The feminine monarchie, or, The historie of bees: shewing their admirable nature, and properties, their generation, and colonies, their government, loyaltie, art, industrie, enemies, warres, magnanimitie, &c. : together with the right ordering of them from time to time: and the sweet profit arising thereof. Creator: Butler, Charles, d. 1647. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed by John Haviland for Roger Jackson Publication Place: London Date: 1623 Format: Book
1285. A study of the swarm control of bees Creator: Dyce, Elton James, 1900- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Format: Book
1286. American Bee Journal Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Publisher: Dadant & Sons Publication Place: Hamilton, Ill., etc. Format: Journal
1287. Beekeeping Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Format: Book
1288. Bees and honey, or, The management of an apiary for pleasure and profit Creator: Newman, Thomas G. 1833-1903. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American bee journal Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
1289. Honeybees for the orchard Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Format: Book
1290. Manual of the apiary Creator: Cook, Albert John, 1842-1916. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: W.S. George & Co. Publication Place: Lansing, Mich. Format: Book