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2. A primer for the use of the Mohawk children : to acquire the spelling and reading of their own: as well as to get acquainted with the English tongue, which for that purpose is put on the opposite page ...
3. An essay on a uniform orthography for the Indian languages of North America, as published in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. By John Pickering ...
4. Memoire sur le systeme grammatical des langues de quelques nations indiennes de l'Amerique du Nord ... par M.P.-Et. Du Ponceau ...
5. An Ioway grammar : illustrating the principles of the language used by the Ioway, Otoe, and Missouri Indians prepared and printed by Rev. Wm. Hamilton and Rev. S.M. Irvin. Under the direction of the Presbyterian B.F.M.
6. Testamentetokak, Hiobib aglangit, Salomoblo imgerusersoanga tikkilugit
7. A theoretical and practical grammar of the Otchipwe language for the use of missionaries and other persons living among the Indians, by R. R. Bishop Baraga
8. Portions of the Book of common prayer, hymns, etc., in the Chipewyan language. by Archdeacon Kirkby. Adapted for the use of the Slavi Indians By the Right Rev. W. C. Bompas ...
9. Compiled laws of the Cherokee Nation, published by authority of the National Council
10. McGuffey's New First Eclectic Reader
11. New familiar Abenakis and English dialogues, the first ever published on the grammatical system, by Jos. Laurent, Abenakis chief
12. Dictionary of the Chinook jargon : with examples of its use in conversation : compiled from all existing vocabularies, and greatly improved by the addition of necessary words never before published
13. Grammaire de la langue montagnaise par le rev. pere Laurent Legoff ...
14. Histoire de l'Ancien Testament raconte par le re?v. pe?re Laurent Legoff
15. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies comp. by Ensign Roger Wells ... and interpreter John W. Kelly. Preceded by ethnographical memoranda concerning the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia, by John W. Kelly
16. Constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation. Published by an act of the National Council 1892
17. Portions of the Holy Scripture, for the use of the Esquimaux on the northern and eastern shores of Hudson's Bay edited by Edmund Peck
18. Cherokee hymn book compiled from several authors, and revised
19. Cinq langues de la Colombie britannique; haida, tshimshian, kwagiutl, nootka et tlinkit. Grammaires, vocabulaires, textes traduits et analyses par Raoul de La Grasserie ...
20. The Acts of the Apostles translated into the language of the Ojibbeway Indians in the Diocese of Moosonee by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Moosonee and the Rev. J. Sanders of Matawakumma
21. A phonetical study of the Eskimo language, based on observations made on a journey in North Greenland 1900-1901; with a historical introduction about the east Eskimo, a comparison of the Eskimo dialects, a new collection of Greenlandic folk-tales, songs and music, and a map of the Eskimo territories, by William Thalbitzer ...
22. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England. Translated into the language of the Chipewyan Indians of N.W. America, by the Ven. Archdeacon Kirkby
23. Dictionnaire francais-algonquin, redige par Geo. Lemoine
24. Wishram texts, by Edward Sapir ; together with Wasco tales and myths, collected by Jeremiah Curtin and ed. by Edward Sapir
25. A light to lighten the Gentiles : being a tractate on the life of our blessed Lord in the words of Holy Scripture : for the use of the Eskimo in Ungava compiled by a missionary of the Church of England in Ungava
26. The Book of Psalms
27. Okautsit tussanaktut Mark
28. Service book of the western Eskimos [compiled and revised by the Ven. Archdeacon C.E. Whittaker]
29. Kanegriarat ashilret : Matthewm, Markim, Lukam Johnamtlu igatlgit. Tamat tselli igatlgitnik ilankgtsoagluting : Mumigtsimalret yugstun, Kuskokwigmiut Awatetnilinguttlu kanlautsetstun
30. Chinook: a history and dictionary of the Northwest coast trade jargon; the centuries-old trade language of the Indians of the Pacific. A history of its origin and its adoption and use by the traders, trappers, pioneers and early settlers of the Northwest Coast
31. ... Grammar of the Absaroki or Crow Indian language by a missionary of the Society of Jesus
32. A Kootenai grammar. by Philip Canestrelli
33. A Prayer book, in the language of the Six Nations of Indians. compiled by Solomon Davis
34. A collection of hymns, for the use of the Delaware Christian Indians, of the missions of the United Brethren, in North America
35. A dictionary of the Otchipwe language, explained in English By R. R. Bishop Baraga
36. A grammar of the Cree language, as spoken by the Cree Indians of North America. By the Rt. Rev. J. Horden
37. A key into the language of America, or an help to the language of the natives in that part of America called New-England; together with briefe observations of the customes, manners, and worships, ...
38. A spelling book in the Seneca language, with English definitions. By Asher Wright
39. A spelling book, written in the Chahta language : with an English translation
40. About the Pine ridge porcupine = Wazi ahanhan p'ahin k'un he written by Ann Clark ; illustrated by Andrew Standing Soldier
41. About the Slim Butte raccoon = Paha zizipela wiciteglega kin. Written by Ann Clark. Illustrated by Andrew Standing Soldier. A publication of the Education division, U. S. Office of Indian affairs
42. About the grass mountain mouse = He p' eji it' unkala kin written by Ann Clark ; illustrated by Andrew Standing Soldier
43. An English-Dakota dictionary. Wasicun ka Dakota ieska wowapi. Comp. by John P. Williamson
44. Arte de la lengua timvqvana, compvesto en 1614
45. Ayumehawe mussinahikun = The book of common prayer : and administration of the sacraments : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England in Canada translated into the language of the Cree Indians by the Ven. Archdeacon Hunter ... ; revised by the Ven. Archdeacon J.A. Mackay ...
46. Ayumehawe mussinahikun = The book of common prayer : and administration of the sacraments : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland translated into the language of the Cree Indians, of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, North- west America
47. Bible and Gospel history in the language of the Cree Indians of North-West America by the Right Rev. John Horden ...
48. Brave against the enemy = T?oka wan itkok?ip ohitike kin he. by Ann Clark ; Sioux by Emil Afraid of Hawk ; edited by Edward A. Kennard ; photographic illustrations by Helen Post ; edited by Willard W. Beatty
49. Bringer of the mystery dog = Sunka wan wakan agli kin he Ann Clark ; illustrated by Oscar Howe ; Sioux text by Emil Afraid of Hawk ; Sioux text edited by Edward A. Kennard ; an Indian life reader edited by Willard W. Beatty
50. Catechisme de perseverance en langue Crise : caracteres syllabiques pour l'usage des sauvages des postes d'Albany, Savern, Martin's Falls, etc., etc., Baie d'Hudson et Baie James
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