Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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21. Dora Rich to Clara Shavelson regarding Final Banquet Preparations, January 1941 (correspondence)

23. IWO Women's City Committee to District Leaders Regarding Campaign Against Inflated Prices, May 1941 (correspondence)

24. IWO Meeting of Women Directors and Manhattan Women's District about Replacement for Clara Smotrich, June 1941 (correspondence)

25. Clara Lemlich Announces Meeting of the Women's City Committee, May 1941 (correspondence)

27. Clara Lemlich Announces City Women's Committee Meeting, June 1941 (correspondence)

28. Clara Shavelson to IWO Women's City Committee, January 1941 (correspondence)
Tsvey-vekhentlekher briv fun shtotishn froyen
צוויי־וועכענטלעכער בריוו פון שטאָטישן פרויען

29. Clara Shavelson to Hodes Requesting Help with Bulletin Celebration, January 1941 (correspondence)

30. Clara Shavelson to Shindler Requesting a Cake for Bulletin Celebration, January 1941 (correspondence)