21. The World in miniature : the Asiatic islands and New Holland : being a description of the manners, customs, characters and state of society of the various tribes by which they are inhabited, vol.2 Creator: Shoberl, Frederic Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed for R. Ackermann, Repository of Arts, Strand Publication Place: London Date: 1824 Format: Book
22. The history of Java (French) Creator: Raffles, Thomas Stamford, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: H. Tarlier Publication Place: Bruxelles Date: 1824 Format: Book
23. Mission to the east coast of Sumatra, in M.DCCC.XXIII, under the direction of the government of Prince of Wales island : including historical and descriptive sketches of the country, an account of the commerce, population, and the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and a visit to the Batta cannibal states in the interior Creator: Anderson, John, 1795-1845 Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: W. Blackwood Publication Place: Edinburgh Date: 1826 Format: Book
24. The mission to Siam, and Hue, the capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-2. From the journal of the late George Finlayson ... With a memoir of the author, by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, F.R.S. Creator: Finlayson, George, 1790-1823 Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1826 Format: Book
25. Narrative of the Burmese war, detailing the operations of Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell's army, from its landing at Rangoon in May, 1824, to the conclusion of a treaty of peace at Yandaboo, February 1826 Creator: Snodgrass, Major (John James) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1827 Format: Book
26. Two years in Ava : From May 1824, to May 1826 Creator: Trant, T. Abercromby (Thomas Abercromby) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1827 Format: Book
27. Journal of an embassy from the Governor-General of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin-China : exhibiting a view of the actual state of those kingdoms Creator: Crawfurd, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: H. Colburn Publication Place: London Date: 1828 Format: Book
28. Journal of an embassy from the governor general of India to the court of Ava in the year 1827 Creator: Crawfurd, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Henry Colburn Publication Place: London Date: 1829 Format: Book
29. Prospective missions in the Indian Archipelago Creator: Tuttle, Sarah Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society Publication Place: Boston Date: 1833 Format: Book
30. Journal of three voyages along the coast of China, in 1831, 1832 and 1833 : with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands: to which is prefixed an Introductory essay on the policy, religion, etc., of China by the Rev. W. Ellis Creator: Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Frederick Westley and A. H. Davis Publication Place: London Date: 1834 Format: Book
31. Memoir of the life and public services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles : particularly in the government of Java, 1811-1816, Bencoolen and its dependencies, 1817-1824 : with details of the commerce and resources of the eastern Archipelago, and selections from his correspondence, vol.1 Creator: Raffles, Sophia, Lady Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Duncan Publication Place: London Date: 1835 Format: Book
32. Memoir of the life and public services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles : particularly in the government of Java, 1811-1816, Bencoolen and its dependencies, 1817-1824 : with details of the commerce and resources of the eastern Archipelago, and selections from his correspondence, vol.2 Creator: Raffles, Sophia, Lady Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Duncan Publication Place: London Date: 1835 Format: Book
33. The eastern seas, or, Voyages and adventures in the Indian Archipelago, in 1832-33-34 : comprising a tour of the island of Java, visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, and c, also an account of the present state of Singapore, with observations on the commercial resources of the archipelago Creator: Earl, George Windsor Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Wm. H. Allen and Co Publication Place: London Date: 1837 Format: Book
34. Notices of the Indian Archipelago, and adjacent countries : being a collection of papers relating to Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Nias, the Philippine islands, Sulus, Siam, Cochin China, Malayan Peninsula, and c Creator: Moor, J. H Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: no recorded publisher Publication Place: Singapore Date: 1837 Format: Book
35. Narrative of a voyage round the world, during the years 1835, 36, and 37 : including a narrative of an embassy to the Sultan of Muscat and the King of Siam, v.1 Creator: Ruschenberger, W. S. W. (William Samuel Waithman) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: R. Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1838 Format: Book
36. Narrative of a voyage round the world, during the years 1835, 36, and 37 : including a narrative of an embassy to the Sultan of Muscat and the King of Siam, v.2 Creator: Ruschenberger, W. S. W. (William Samuel Waithman) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: R. Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1838 Format: Book
37. A sketch of the services of the Madras European Regiment during the Burmese War. By an officer of the corps Creator: [Butler, John] Major Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Smith, Elder Publication Place: London Date: 1839 Format: Book
38. The Claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom : exhibited in notes of voyages made in 1837, from Canton, in the ship Morrison and brig Himmaleh, under direction of the owners, v.1 Creator: King, C. W. Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: E. French Publication Place: New York Date: 1839 Format: Book
39. The Claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom : exhibited in notes of voyages made in 1837, from Canton, in the ship Morrison and brig Himmaleh, under direction of the owners, v.2 Creator: King, C. W. Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: E. French Publication Place: New York Date: 1839 Format: Book
40. Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz. Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore; with a history of the Malayan states on the Peninsula of Malacca, vol.1 Creator: Newbold, Thomas John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1839 Format: Book