41. Political and statistical account of the British settlements in the Straits of Malacca, viz. Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore; with a history of the Malayan states on the Peninsula of Malacca, vol.2 Creator: Newbold, Thomas John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1839 Format: Book
42. Voyages of the Dutch brig of war Dourga : through the southern and little-known parts of the Moluccan Archipelago, and along the previously unknown southern coast of New Guinea, performed during the years 1825 and 1826 Creator: Kolff, Dirk Hendrik Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: James Madden, and Co., Leadenhall Street Publication Place: London Date: 1840 Format: Book
43. Acheen, and the ports on the north and east coasts of Sumatra : with incidental notices of the trade in the eastern seas, and the aggressions of the Dutch Creator: Anderson, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: W.H. Allen and Co Publication Place: London Date: 1840 Format: Book
44. A narrative of the early life and services of Captn. D. Macdonald : embracing an unbroken period of twenty-two years, extracted from his journal, and other official documents Creator: Macdonald, David Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed by Benson and Barling Publication Place: Weymouth Date: 1840 Format: Book
45. Travels in the Burman empire Creator: Malcolm, Howard Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: William and Robert Chambers Publication Place: Edinburgh Date: 1840 Format: Book
46. A letter from Borneo : with notices of the country and its inhabitants : addressed to James Gardner, esq Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: L. and C. Seeley Publication Place: London Date: 1842 Format: Book
47. Memoir of Mrs. Eliza G. Jones : missionary to Burmah and Siam Creator: Jones, Eliza G. (Eliza Grew) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: American Baptist Publication and Sunday School Society Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1842 Format: Book
48. Missionary journals and letters : written during eleven years' residence and travels amongst the Chinese, Siamese, Javanese, Khassias, and other Eastern nations Creator: Tomlin, J. (Jacob), 1793-1880 Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Nisbet Publication Place: London Date: 1844 Format: Book
49. The expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the suppression of piracy : with extracts from the journal of James Brooke, esq., of Sarawak, vol.1 Creator: Keppel, Henry, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Harper and Brothers Publication Place: New York Date: 1846 Format: Book
50. The expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the suppression of piracy : with extracts from the journal of James Brooke, esq., of Sarawak, vol.2 Creator: Keppel, Henry, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Harper and Brothers Publication Place: New York Date: 1846 Format: Book
51. Views in the Eastern Archipelago : Borneo, Sarawak, Labuan, and c. Creator: Saint John, James Augustus Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: no recorded publisher Publication Place: London Date: 1847 Format: Book
52. Narrative of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly, commanded by Captain F.P. Blackwood, R.N. in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern archipelago, during the years 1842-1846 ; together with an excursion into the interior of the eastern part of Java, vol.1 Creator: Jukes, J. Beete (Joseph Beete) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: T. and W. Boone Publication Place: London Date: 1847 Format: Book
53. The Indian Archipelago : its manners, arts, languages, religions and institutions Creator: Rawson, James Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Carlton and Porter Publication Place: New York Date: 1847 Format: Book
54. Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan: from the journals of James Brooke, esq., Rajah of Sarawak, and governor of Labuan. Together with a narrative of the operations of H.M.S. Iris. By Captain Rodney Mundy, R.N. With numerous plates, maps, charts, and woodcuts, vol.1 Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
55. Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan: from the journals of James Brooke, esq., Rajah of Sar_awak, and governor of Labuan. Together with a narrative of the operations of H.M.S. Iris. By Captain Rodney Mundy, R.N. With numerous plates, maps, charts, and woodcuts, vol.2 Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
56. Sarawak, its inhabitants and productions : being notes during a residence in that country with H. H. the Rajah Brooke Creator: Low, Hugh Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: R. Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
57. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago : with drawings of costume and scenery Creator: Marryat, Frank Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
58. Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang : during the years 1843-46 : employed surveying the islands of the Eastern archipelago : accompanied by a brief vocabulary of the principal languages, vol.1 Creator: Belcher, Edward, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
59. Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang : during the years 1843-46 : employed surveying the islands of the Eastern archipelago : accompanied by a brief vocabulary of the principal languages, v.2 Creator: Adams, Arthur Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Reeve, Benham, and Reeve Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book
60. Notes from a journal of research into the natural history of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang : under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher Creator: Adams, Arthur Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Reeve, Benham and Reeve Publication Place: London Date: 1848 Format: Book