61. The Chinaman abroad, or, A desultory account of the Malayan archipelago, particularly of Java Creator: Wang, Ta-hai Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed at the Mission Press Publication Place: Shanghae Date: 1849 Format: Book
62. Adventures in Borneo : a tale of shipwreck Creator: Gore, Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: H. Colburn Publication Place: London Date: 1849 Format: Book
63. Travels in south-eastern Asia : embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam and China, with notices of numerous missionary stations, and a full account of the Burman empire Creator: Malcolm, Howard Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: American Baptist Publication Society Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1850 Format: Book
64. Narrative of a residence at the capital of the kingdom of Siam; with a description of the manners, customs, and laws of the modern Siamese Creator: Neale, Fred Arthur Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Office of the National Illustrated Library Publication Place: London Date: 1852 Format: Book
65. Narrative of the Burmese war, in 1824-25 Creator: Wilson, H. H. (Horace Hayman) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: W.H. Allen and Co Publication Place: London Date: 1852 Format: Book
66. Rough pencillings of a rough trip to Rangoon in 1846 Creator: Grant, Colesworthey Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Thacker, Spink and Co Publication Place: Calcutta Date: 1853 Format: Book
67. De Zieke reiziger, or, Rambles in Java and the Straits : in 1852 Creator: Edwards, William Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Simpkin, Marshall and Co Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
68. Burmah and the Burmese Creator: Mackenzie, Kenneth R. H. (Kenneth Robert Henderson) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: G. Routledge Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
69. China pictorial, descriptive, and historical : With some account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam and Anam Creator: Corner, Miss (Julia) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: H.G. Bohn Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
70. The private letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak : narrating the events of his life, from 1838 to the present time, vol.1 Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Richard Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
71. The private letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak : narrating the events of his life, from 1838 to the present time, vol.2 Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Richard Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
72. The private letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak : narrating the events of his life, from 1838 to the present time, vol.3 Creator: Brooke, James, Sir Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Richard Bentley Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
73. The history of the great and mighty kingdom of China and the situation thereof Creator: Gonzalez de Mendoza, Juan Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed for the Hakluyt Society Publication Place: London Date: 1853 Format: Book
74. Letters from Sarawak : addressed to a child, embracing an account of the manners, customs, and religion of the inhabitants of Borneo, the progress of the church mission, and incidents of missionary life among the natives Creator: McDougall, Mrs. Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Grant and Griffith Publication Place: London Date: 1854 Format: Book
75. Twenty years in the Philippines Creator: La Gironiere, Paul Proust de Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Harper and Bros Publication Place: New York Date: 1854 Format: Book
76. The prison of Weltevreden : and a glance at the East Indian Archipelago Creator: Gibson, Walter Murray Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. C. Riker Publication Place: New York Date: 1855 Format: Book
77. Six months among the Malays, and a year in China Creator: Yvan, Dr. Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Blackwood, 1855 Publication Place: London Date: 1855 Format: Book
78. Rambles in eastern Asia, including China and Manilla : during several years' residence ... [1848-1850] Creator: Ball, Benjamin Lincoln Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. French and Co Publication Place: Boston Date: 1855 Format: Book
79. The golden Dagon; or, Up and down the Irrawaddi. Being passages of adventure in the Burman empire Creator: Palmer, John Williamson Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Dix, Edwards and co Publication Place: New York Date: 1856 Format: Book
80. A descriptive dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent countries Creator: Crawfurd, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Bradbury and Evans Publication Place: London Date: 1856 Format: Book