1. A bachelor girl in Burma Creator: Mitton, G. E. (Geraldine Edith) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: A. and C. Black Publication Place: London Date: 1907 Format: Book
2. A Burmese arcady, an account of a long and intimate sojourn amongst the mountain dwellers of the Burmese hinterland and of their engaging characteristics and customs : and c., and c Creator: Enriquez, C. M. (Colin Metcalfe) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Seeley, Service and Co., Ltd Publication Place: London Date: 1923 Format: Book
3. A Burmese enchantment Creator: Enriquez, C. M. (Colin Metcalfe) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Thacker, Spink and Co Publication Place: Calcutta Date: 1916 Format: Book
4. A Burmese loneliness : a tale of travel in Burma, the Southern Shan States and Keng Tung Creator: Enriquez, C. M. (Colin Metcalfe) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Thacker, Spink and Co Publication Place: Calcutta Date: 1918 Format: Book
5. A Burmese wonderland : a tale of travel in Lower and Upper Burma Creator: Enriquez, C. M. (Colin Metcalfe) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Thacker, Spink Publication Place: Calcutta Date: 1922 Format: Book
6. Acheen, and the ports on the north and east coasts of Sumatra : with incidental notices of the trade in the eastern seas, and the aggressions of the Dutch Creator: Anderson, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: W.H. Allen and Co Publication Place: London Date: 1840 Format: Book
7. Across Chryse : being the narrative of a journey of exploration through the south China border lands from Canton to Mandalay, vol.1 Creator: Colquhoun, Archibald R. (Archibald Ross) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington Publication Place: London Date: 1883 Format: Book
8. Across Chryse : being the narrative of a journey of exploration through the south China border lands from Canton to Mandalay, vol.2 Creator: Colquhoun, Archibald R. (Archibald Ross) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington Publication Place: London Date: 1883 Format: Book
9. Across the equator : a holiday trip in Java Creator: Reid, Thomas H Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Kelly and Walsh Publication Place: Singapore Date: 1908 Format: Book
10. A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth century Creator: Barbosa, Duarte Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Printed for the Hakluyt Society Publication Place: London Date: 1866 Format: Book
11. A descriptive dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent countries Creator: Crawfurd, John Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Bradbury and Evans Publication Place: London Date: 1856 Format: Book
12. A Dog's life in Burma, told by the dog Creator: no recorded author Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Henry J. Drane Publication Place: London Date: 1909 Format: Book
13. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo Creator: Boyle, Frederick Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Hurst and Blackett Publication Place: London Date: 1865 Format: Book
14. Adventures in Borneo : a tale of shipwreck Creator: Gore, Mrs. (Catherine Grace Frances) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: H. Colburn Publication Place: London Date: 1849 Format: Book
15. A geography of the Malay Peninsula, Indo-China, the Eastern Archipelago, the Philippines, and New Guinea Creator: Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: E. Stanford Publication Place: London Date: 1892 Format: Book
16. A Handbook for travellers in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon Creator: John Murray (Firm) Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: J. Murray Publication Place: London Date: 1901 Format: Book
17. A journey to Java Creator: McMillan, Michael Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Holden and Hardingham Publication Place: London Date: 1914 Format: Book
18. A la recherche des negritos (voyage du yacht Semiramis), La Peninsule Malaise (Part 3) Creator: Lapicque, Louis Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Cornell University Library Publication Place: Ithaca, NY Date: 1895 Format: Book
19. A la recherche des negritos (voyage du yacht Semiramis), Les Andaman (Part 1) Creator: Lapicque, Louis Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Cornell University Library Publication Place: Ithaca, NY Date: 1895 Format: Book
20. A la recherche des negritos (voyage du yacht Semiramis), Les Iles Mergoui (Part 2) Creator: Lapicque, Louis Collection: Southeast Asia Visions Publisher: Cornell University Library Publication Place: Ithaca, NY Date: 1895 Format: Book