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2. Conflict of jurisdiction between state and federal courts. Opinion in Joseph Hollman, et. al., vs. Harry Fulton on habeas corpus, by Mr. Justice Beck, of the Iowa Supreme Court.
3. Contest for the Suscol Rancho. In the United States Land Office for the District of Lands Subject to Sale at San Francisco.
4. Soscol. Appeal from the Commisioner of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior. Arguments for Claimants under Vallejo.
5. Statement in regard to the Soscol Ranch, in Solano County, California.
6. The Public Lands in California. Review of the Bills before Congress for Enlarging the Grants for the Benefit of that State
7. The Public Lands for Homesteads.
8. A brief account of the trial of William Orr of Farranshane in the county of Antrim to which are annexed several interesting facts and authentic documents connected therewith.
9. Trial, & c. King's Bench
10. The cause of the fundholders maintained and defended.
11. The Tryals of such persons as under the notion of London - apprentices were tumultuously assembled in Moore-Fields, and other places, on Easter holidays last, under the colour of pulling down Bawdy-houses.
12. Boston slave riot, and trial of Anthony Burns containing the report of the Faneuil hall meeting ; the murder of Batchelder ; Theodore Parker's lesson for the day ; speeches of counsel on both sides, corrected by themselves ; a verbatim report of Judge Lorng's decision, and detailed account of the embarkation.
13. The Udderzook mystery! : containing a detailed and accurate account of the life of the murderer, his trial and sentence, the disappearance of W.S. Goss, and many strange mysteries closely bearing upon this great case ...
14. Report of proceedings in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York, on a suit brought by the United States against Daniel D. Tomkins, June 3, 1822 : containing the testimony at large, the speeches of the defendent, and of the counsel on both sides, together with the judge's charge / by one of the jury.
15. A refutation, by his friends, of the calumnies against David Henshaw, in relation to the failure of the Commonwealth bank, and the transfer of South Boston lands to the United States.
16. New Orleans Custom-house officials. Fraudulent and dishonest acts of W.P. Kellogg, collector. His attempted defense. Additional allegations and facts. Perjurers, smugglers and Kellogg associate. His accomplices and victims exposed.
17. Report of the proceedings in the case of Ruths vs Reuling : tried in the Circuit Court of Howard County, MD, March term, 1880.
18. A full report of the trials of the Bristol rioters before the special commission appointed to deliver the gaol of this city in January 1832, with the sentences and executions consequent thereon; also, a report of the proceedings of the court martial appoited to investigate the conduct of Lieut.-Colonel Brereton, inspecting field officer of the Bristol district : with full particulars of the suicide of that unfortunate officer and the inquest held on his body.
19. Life and confession of Ann Walters, the female murderess! : also the execution of Enos G. Dudley, at Haverhill, N.H., May 23rd, 1849 : to which is added the confession of Mary Runkle, who was executed for murder.
20. Trial of Benjamin Shaw, John Alley Junior, Jonathan Buffum, and Preserved Sprague, for riots and disturbance of public worship, in the society of Quakers, at Lynn, Massachusetts, before the Court of Common Pleas, held at Ipswich, Massachusetts, March 16th
21. The lives of the felons, or, American criminal calendar / compiled in part from the New-York "National police gazette", and corrected, enlarged and revised on careful comparison with the criminal records of the various states ...
22. The Trial of Weeping Billy, for the wilful murder of Ann Webb : also, the trials of William Duncan, for the wilful murder of W. Chivers, Esq., John Maycock and John Pope, for the wilful murder of A.M. Pooley, at Horsleydown, and John Augustus, for the wilful murder of his shipmate, Peter Williams.
23. Poor Mary Stannard! : a full and thrilling story of the circumstances connected with her murder : history of the monstrous Madison crime ...
24. The truly remarkable life of the beautiful Helen Jewett, who was so mysteriously murdered. The strangest and most exciting case known in the police annals of crimes and mysteries in the great city of New York.
25. The alleged malpractice suit of Walsh vs. Sayre.
26. The Veiled lady, or, The mysterious witness in the McFarland trial : her confession, her history. Also, the sad history of her lovely but unfortunate cousin; startling disclosures of certain persons in high life.
27. The sequestration cases : before the Hon. A.G. Magrath : report of cases under the Sequestration Act of the Confederate States, heard in the District Court for the state of South Carolina, in the city of Charleston--October term, 1861 : arguments of Wm. Whaley, Nelson Mitchell, C. Richardson Miles, J.L. Petigru, I.W. Hayne, J.W. Wilkinson, and Ed. McCrady, esqrs. ; to which is added the opinion of Judge Magrath, in the several cases ; and the Sequestration Act of the Confederate States ; also, the Confiscation Act of the United States ; reported by J. Woodruff.
28. Report of the evidence in the case of John Stephen Bartlett, M.D., versus the Mass. Medical Society, as given before a committee of the Legislature at the session of 1839.
29. Opinion of the Supreme court of the United States, at January term, 1832, delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Marshall, together with the opinion of Mr. Justice McLean, in the case of Samuel A. Worcester, plaintiff in error, versus the state of Georgia: with a statement of the case, extracted from the records of the Supreme Court of the United States.
30. Lives and confessions of John Williams, Francis Frederick, John P. Rog, and Peter Peterson, who were tried at the United States Circuit Court at Boston, for murder & piracy; sentenced to be executed Jan. 21, 1819; and afterwards reprieved till Feb. 18, 1819
31. Poor Mary Pomeroy! the Jersey City music teacher.
32. Trial of Benjamin Shaw, John Alley Junior, Jonathan Buffum, and Preserved Sprague, for riots and disturbance of public worship, in the society of Quakers, at Lynn, Massachusetts, before the Court of Common Pleas, held at Ipswich, Massachusetts, March 16th
33. The Pirates : a brief account of the horrid massacre of the captain, mate, and supercargo of the schooner Plattsburg, of Baltimore, on the high seas, in July 1816, by a part of the crew of said vessel ... : annexed, are some remarks relating to the trial
34. Report of the trial of Humphrey Boyle, indicted at the instance of the Constitutional Association, as a man with name unknown : for pubtishing [sic] an alleged blasphemous and seditious libel, as one of the shopmen of Mr. Carlile; which took place before Mr. Common Sergeant Denman, and a common jury, at the Old Bailey Sessions House, on the 27th of May, 1822. With a narrative of the proceedings against the defendant before trial. To which is attached, the trial of Joseph Rhodes, under the name of Wm. Holmes, as forced upon him, for publishing a copy of the same pamphlet
35. An authentic life of John C. Colt : now imprisoned for killing Samuel Adams, in New York, on the seventeenth of September, 1841.
36. The record of John K. Hackett, as recorder, founded upon official documents.
37. The Shame and scourge of San Francisco, or, An expose of the Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch across the continent, from Maine to California : the records of an evil life, from documents of undeniable authenticity : a shameless priest becomes a priestly demagogue.
38. The trials of the twelve traitors W. Cundell, C. Parker, J. Tweedle, Charles Bird, John Quigley, John Smith, G. Armstrong, S. M'Farlane, J. Teaster, James Fibbs, Philip Lethay, Noah Francis for high treason : charged with being found in arms, in French uniform, fighting against their king and country, in the Isle of France, and other traiterous acts, before a Special Commission, at the Sessions House, Newington, Monday, Feb. 10, and following days : including the interesting charge to the grand jury, the speeches of the counsellors, and the affecting address of the Lord Chief Baron in passing the awful sentences
39. Trial, sentence, and execution of Israel Thayer, Jr. Isaac Thayer, and Nelson Thayer, three brothers, : for the murder of John Love, at the town of Boston, in the county of Erie, and state of New-York, on the 17th June. : With all the particulars, arguments of counsel, charge of the judge, the sentence, their execution, and their conduct on the awful occasion. / Collected from authentic documents.
40. Scenes from the lives of Robson and Redpath / by J. B.
41. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
42. The life of Dick En-l--d, alias Captain En-l--d; or turf memory. With notes and illustrations.
43. Account of the short life and ignominious death of Stephen Merrill Clark : who was executed at Salem on Thursday the tenth day of May, 1821, at the early age of 16 years and 9 months, for the crime of arson.
44. Rev. W.R. Gordon vs. Rev. J.S. Ebaugh: To the Classis of New York. New York, November 6th, 1852.
45. A Vindication and defense of the German Reformed Church, in the city of New-York, and its pastor : against the repeated attacks made upon them by certain members of the classis of New York.
46. The American Tract Society, at Boston, and The American Tract Society, at New York : on a decree to interplead ; The American Tract Society vs. Alexander Dewitt, adm'r, etc. : the testimony of the American Tract Society, at Boston, in said cases.
47. A report of the case of the Jeune Eugenie : determined in the Circuit court of the United States, for the First circuit, at Boston, December, 1821 ; with an appendix / by William P. Mason, reporter.
48. Ejectment for 150 acres of wood land, part of the manor of Livingston, points and arguments of Josiah Sutherland ...
49. Remarkable instances of circumstantial evidence given on trials for criminal acts which has resulted in the conviction and execution of innocent persons, together with after disclosures.
50. Some Few Remarks, upon a Scandalous Book, against the Government and Ministry of New-England. Written, by one Robert Calef. Detecting the Unparrallel'd Malice and Falsehood of the said Book; and Defending the Names of several particular Gentlemen, by him therein aspersed and abused. Composed and Published by several Persons belonging to the Flock of some of the Injured Pastors, and concerned for their Just Vindication.
51. Vindicta del Sarjento-Mayor José Manuel Aspiazu
52. Defensa hecha ante S. S. i La Corte Superior del Distrito
53. El Instituto
54. Reglamento de la confraternidad eclesiástica
55. Compendio de aritmética
56. Constitución de la República Boliviana
57. Reglamento para la formación del censo y catastro de la república
58. "Programas de la Instrucción Pública, Clase 6a"
59. Retracto vicioso de siquilata
60. Defensa del Doctor Laureano U. Rafael del Castillo y alegre en la denuncia criminal del doctor Zenon Dalence
61. El Banco de Chichas
62. Economía de la vida humana
63. Disposiciones supremas vijentes del ramo de mineria
64. Estatuto universitario
65. Decreto de Autorización
66. Reglamento interior de la Asamblea Nacional
67. Compañía de transporte entre Yungas y La Paz
68. Un auto célebre
69. Corona fúnebre a la memoria del virtuoso ciudadano Dr. Lucas Mendoza de la Tapia
70. Reglamento de postas
71. Don Damon Barberi i su vindicación
72. Instrucción moral destinada a los niños
73. Cuestión financiera. Declaraciones del ministerio
74. Programma examinis anni facultatis theologiae
75. Sentencias condenadorias pronunciadas en el interdicto de despojo violento a mano armada i con el auxilio de fuerza pública por el excoronel D. José Ignacio Villarroel
76. La cuestión financial
77. "La calumnia Zarco, 1a. Parte"
78. "La calumnia Zarco, 2a. Parte"
79. "Decicatoria a la memoria de mi padre, el señor Manuel de la Cruz Méndez"
80. Dircursos del Ministro de Goberno
81. Reglamento interior de la Municipalidad de Cochabamba
82. Comisión Revisora del Código de Minería de Potosí
83. Bolivia antes del 30 de noviembre de 1874
84. Cuadros de reducción de las antiguas medidas de peso a las modernas del sistema métrico decimal
85. Esposición hecha por el C. Pelayo Carrillo
86. Bolivia: la Semana Magna de 1875 en Cochabamba
87. "Calendario relijoso, político, civil y astronómico del Departament de La Paz"
88. El Sable y rifle militar del Ejército Nacional
89. Compilación de varios decretos supremos expedidos en el actual administración
90. Proyecto de reglamento de la Casa Nacional de Moneda
91. Juicio crítico de los folletos publicados por los doctores Serapio Reyes Ortiz y Donato Vasquez
92. Proyecto de constitución para ser sometido a la Asamblea de 15 noviembre de 1877
93. Reglamento de teatro
94. Exposición de los hechos pasados con motivo del discurso funebre del Dean Bustillo
95. "Las Diez y siete mil libras esterlinas del Dr. Velarde, agente del Coronel Church"
96. Fundación del voto del Dr. Pablo José Puertas al pronunciar la sentencia de vista en la ruidosa cuestion de Atocha
97. Instrucción superior de Nuestra Señora del Carmen
98. Dos votos en la cuestión Atocha
99. Cuestión jurídica una hipoteca convencional
100. "Voto del Dr. Octavio Guzmán, vocal de la Corte Suprema de Oruro"
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