1. Fermentation and crystallization of honey Creator: Dyce, Elton James, 1900- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Date: 1931 Format: Book
2. Beekeeping: a discussion of the life of the honeybee and of the production of honey Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Date: 1928 Format: Book
3. The utilization of carbohydrates by honeybees Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Date: 1927 Format: Book
4. Variation and correlation in the appendages of the honeybee Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Date: 1927 Format: Book
5. Beekeeping in the buckwheat region Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: U.S. G.P.O. Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1922 Format: Book
6. Beekeeping in the tulip-tree region Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: U.S. G.P.O. Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1922 Format: Book
7. A thousand answers to beekeeping questions Creator: Miller, C. C. 1831-1920. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American Bee Journal Publication Place: Hamilton, Ill. Date: 1917 Format: Book
8. Natural history of the honeybee: or, Are bees reflex machines? Creator: Buttel-Reepen, H. v. 1860-1933. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: A. I. Root Publication Place: Medina, Ohio Date: 1917 Format: Book
9. Porto Rican beekeeping Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: G.P.O. Publication Place: Washington Date: 1914 Format: Book
10. Queen-rearing in England: with notes on a scent producing organ in the worker-bee and how pollen is collected by the honey-bee and the bumble-bee. Creator: Sladen, F. W. L. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Madgwick, Houlston & Co. Publication Place: London Date: 1913 Format: Book
11. Historical notes on the causes of bee diseases Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: G.P.O. Publication Place: Washington Date: 1912 Format: Book
12. Fifty years among the bees Creator: Miller, C. C. 1831-1920. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: A. I. Root Co. Publication Place: Medina, Ohio Date: 1911 Format: Book
13. Bee diseases: a problem in economic entomology Creator: Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Cornell University, Mann Library Publication Place: Ithaca, New York Date: 1908 Format: Book
14. Wax craft, all about beeswax: its history, production, adulteration, and commercial value Creator: Cowan, T. W. 1840-1926. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: S. Low Publication Place: London Date: 1908 Format: Book
15. Facts about bees: or, The Danzenbaker hive and its management : profusely illustrated from photographs especially prepared for the work Creator: Root, E. R. 1862-1953. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: A. I. Root Co. Publication Place: Medina, Ohio Date: 1907 Format: Book
16. Handling bees Creator: A.I. Root Company. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: A. I. Root Co. Publication Place: Medina, Ohio Date: 1907 Format: Book
17. The honey bee: a manual of instruction in apiculture Creator: Benton, Frank. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: G.P.O. Publication Place: Washington Date: 1899 Format: Book
18. Thirty years among the bees: the result of a quarter-century experience in rearing queen-bees, giving the practical, every-day work of the apiary Creator: Alley, Henry. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Salem Press Publication Place: Salem, Mass. Date: 1891 Format: Book
19. Scientific queen-rearing as practically applied: being a method by which the best of queen-bees are reared in perfect accord with nature's ways : for the amateur and veteran in bee-keeping. Creator: Doolittle, Gilbert M., 1846- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: T. G. Newman Publication Place: Chicago Date: 1889 Format: Book
20. Success in bee-culture as practiced and advised Creator: Heddon, James. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Times print Publication Place: Dowagiac, Mich. Date: 1885 Format: Book
21. The beekeeper's handy book, or, Twenty-two years' experience in queen-rearing, containing the only scientific and practical method of rearing queen bees, and the latest and best methods for the general management of the apiary Creator: Alley, Henry. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Henry Alley Publication Place: Wenham, Mass. Date: 1883 Format: Book
22. Dzierzon's rational bee-keeping, or, The theory and practice of Dr. Dzierzon Creator: DzierzÌon, Jan, 1811-1906. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Houlston & sons Publication Place: London Date: 1882 Format: Book
23. British bee-keeper's guide book to the management of bees in moveable comb hives and the use of the extractor Creator: Cowan, T. W. 1840-1926. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Houlston Publication Place: London Date: 1881 Format: Book
24. The A B C of bee culture: a cyclopædia of everything pertaining to the care of the honey bee, bees, honey, hives, implements, honey plants, &c., &c. : compiled from facts gleaned from the experience of thousands of bee- keepers, all over our land, and afterward verified by practical work in our own apiary Creator: Root, A. I. 1839-1923. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: A. I. Root Publication Place: Medina, Ohio Date: 1879 Format: Book
25. The apiary, or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture: being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the most improved methods of management, with full directions, adapted for the cottager, farmer, or scientific apiarian Creator: Neighbour, Alfred. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Kent and Co. Publication Place: London Date: 1865 Format: Book
26. The bee-keeper's text-book with alphabetical index: being a complete reference book on all practical subjects connected with the culture of the honey bee in both common and movable-comb hives, giving minute directions for the management of bees in every month of the year, and illustrating the nucleus system of swarming and Italian queen rearing Creator: King, N. H. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Viets & Savage Publication Place: Cleveland Date: 1864 Format: Book
27. The bee-keeper's directory, or, The theory and practice of bee culture, in all its departments, the result of eighteen years personal study of their habits and instincts Creator: Harbison, J. S. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: H. H Bancroft and Co. Publication Place: San Francisco Date: 1861 Format: Book
28. Kidder's guide to apiarian science, being a practical treatise, in every department of bee culture and bee management: embracing the natural history of the bee, the anatomy and physiology of the different species of bees that constitute a colony Creator: Kidder, K. P. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: R. Blanchard Publication Place: Chicago Date: 1858 Format: Book
29. The American bee keeper's manual: being a practical treatise on the history and domestic economy of the honey-bee. Creator: Miner, T. B. 1808-1878. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Saxton Publication Place: New York Date: 1857 Format: Book
30. Langstroth on the hive and the honey-bee: a bee keeper's manual. Creator: Langstroth, L.L. 1810-1895. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Hopkins, Bridgman Publication Place: Northampton Date: 1853 Format: Book
31. Mysteries of bee-keeping explained: being a complete analysis of the whole subject : consisting of the natural history of bees, directions for obtaining the greatest amount of pure surplus honey with the least possible expense, remedies for losses given, and the science of "luck" fully illustrated--the result of more than twenty years' experience in extensive apiaries Creator: Quinby, M. 1810-1875. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: C. M. Saxton Publication Place: New York Date: 1853 Format: Book
32. A description of the bar-and-frame hive Creator: Munn, W. Augustus. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: John Van Voorst Publication Place: London Date: 1844 Format: Book
33. Bee-breeding in the West Creator: Affleck, Thomas, 1812-1868. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: E. Lucas Publication Place: Cincinnati Date: 1841 Format: Book
34. The natural history of bees: comprehending the uses and economical management of the British and foreign honey-bee : together with the known wild species : illustrated by thirty-six plates coloured from nature, with portrait and memoir of Huber. Creator: Dunbar, William, (as Rev.) Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: S. Highley Publication Place: London Date: 1840 Format: Book
35. Humanity to honey bees, or, Practical directions for the management of honey bees upon an improved and humane plan, by which the lives of bees may be preserved, and abundance of honey of a superior quality may be obtained Creator: Nutt, Thomas, 17th cent. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed by H. and J. Leach, for the author Publication Place: Wishbech Date: 1832 Format: Book
36. The honey bee, its natural history, physiology, and management Creator: Bevan, Edward, 1770-1860. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Bevan, Edward, 1770-1860 Publication Place: London Date: 1827 Format: Book
37. New observations on the natural history of bees Creator: Huber, François, 1750-1831. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme Publication Place: London Date: 1806 Format: Book
38. The reformed common-wealth of bees: presented in severall letters and observations to Sammuel Hartlib ; with The reformed Virginian silk-worm, containing many excellent and choice secrets, experiments, and discoveries for attaining of national and private profits and riches. Creator: Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed for G. Calvert Publication Place: London Date: 1655 Format: Book
39. The feminine monarchie, or, The historie of bees: shewing their admirable nature, and properties, their generation, and colonies, their government, loyaltie, art, industrie, enemies, warres, magnanimitie, &c. : together with the right ordering of them from time to time: and the sweet profit arising thereof. Creator: Butler, Charles, d. 1647. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed by John Haviland for Roger Jackson Publication Place: London Date: 1623 Format: Book
40. 50 years ago and now: a record of hotel progress : reprinted from the golden anniversary edition Hotel red book Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publication Place: New York American Hotel Association Directory Corporation, Format: Book
41. A basis for building a course in economics of the home, deriving desirable content by the use of local family case studies Creator: Leighton, Frances Howe, 1898- Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Teachers College, Columbia University, Publication Place: New York Format: Book
42. A book of distinctive interiors Creator: Vollmer, William Auerbach, 1886- Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: McBride, Nast & Co., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
43. A century of carpet and rug making in America Creator: Cook, Alexander N. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Co., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
44. A charitable remonstrance addressed to the wives and maidens of France: touching their dissolute ornaments, together with two curious elegies Creator: Estienne, Ant. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Privately printed, Publication Place: Edinburgh Format: Book
45. A child's guide to reading Creator: Macy, John Albert, 1877-1932. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Baker & Taylor, Publication Place: New York Format: Book
46. A civic biology: presented in problems Creator: Hunter, George William, 1873-1948. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American Book Company, Publication Place: New York Format: Book
47. A color notation Creator: Munsell, A. H. 1858-1918. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Munsell, Publication Place: Baltimore, Md. Format: Book
48. A comparative study of the intelligence of delinquent girls Creator: Bronner, Augusta F. b. 1881. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Teachers College, Columbia University, Publication Place: New York Format: Book
49. A course in food analysis Creator: Winton, Andrew Lincoln, 1864-1946. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: John Wiley & Son, Inc., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
50. A descriptive catalogue of useful fiber plants of the world: including the structural and economic classifications of fibers Creator: Dodge, Charles Richards, 1847-1918. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: U. S. G.P.O., Publication Place: Washington Format: Book