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1281. The feminine monarchie, or, The historie of bees: shewing their admirable nature, and properties, their generation, and colonies, their government, loyaltie, art, industrie, enemies, warres, magnanimitie, &c. : together with the right ordering of them from time to time: and the sweet profit arising thereof.

1282. The reformed common-wealth of bees: presented in severall letters and observations to Sammuel Hartlib ; with The reformed Virginian silk-worm, containing many excellent and choice secrets, experiments, and discoveries for attaining of national and private profits and riches.

1290. Mysteries of bee-keeping explained: being a complete analysis of the whole subject : consisting of the natural history of bees, directions for obtaining the greatest amount of pure surplus honey with the least possible expense, remedies for losses given, and the science of "luck" fully illustrated--the result of more than twenty years' experience in extensive apiaries

1294. The bee-keeper's text-book with alphabetical index: being a complete reference book on all practical subjects connected with the culture of the honey bee in both common and movable-comb hives, giving minute directions for the management of bees in every month of the year, and illustrating the nucleus system of swarming and Italian queen rearing

1296. The A B C of bee culture: a cyclopædia of everything pertaining to the care of the honey bee, bees, honey, hives, implements, honey plants, &c., &c. : compiled from facts gleaned from the experience of thousands of bee- keepers, all over our land, and afterward verified by practical work in our own apiary