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2. Untitled [Nuremberg Chronicle World Map] [verso]
3. Untitled [Nuremberg Chronicle World Map]
4. Die ganze Welt in einem Kleberblatt welches ist der Stadt Hannover meines lieben Vaterlandes Wapen [The Whole World in a Cloverleaf, the Arms of My Dear Fatherland, Hannover]
5. A Map of the Earth and how after the Flood it was Divided among the Sons of Noah
6. Zo Gaat Men Veilig [Thus Men Go Safely]
Geographische Beschreibung der Provinz Louisiana, in Canada, von dem Fluss St. Lorenz bis an den Ausfluss des Flusses Missisipi : samt einem kurtzen Bericht von dem jetzo florirenden Actien-Handel. [Geographical Description of the Province of Louisiana, in Canada, from the St. Lawrence River to the Mouth of the Mississippi River
And a Short Report of the Now Flourishing Stock Trading.] [broadside]
8. Novissima Tabula Regionis Ludovicianae, Gallice dictae La Louisiane: Iam olim quidem sub Canadae et Floridae nomine in America Septentrionali notae nunc vero sub auspiciis Sereniss. Ducis Aurelianensis maxime inclarescentis Coloniae Gallicae
Geographische Beschreibung der Provinz Louisiana, in Canada, von dem Fluss St. Lorenz bis an den Ausfluss des Flusses Missisipi : samt einem kurtzen Bericht von dem jetzo florirenden Actien-Handel. [Geographical Description of the Province of Louisiana, in Canada, from the St. Lawrence River to the Mouth of the Mississippi River
And a Short Report of the Now Flourishing Stock Trading.] [broadside verso]
10. AFBEELDINGHE van't zeer vermaerde Eiland GEKS-KOP. geligen in de Actie-ze, ontdekt door Mons.r Lau-rens, werende bewoond door een verzameling van alderhande Volkeren. die men dezen generalen Naam (Actionisten) geest. [Representation of the very famous island of Mad-head, lying in the sea of shares, discovered by Mr. Law-rens, and inhabited by a collection of all kinds of people, to whom are given the general name shareholders.]
11. Representation sÿmbolique et ingenieuse projettée en siege et en bombardement comme il faut empecher prudemment les attaques de l’amour [repeated in German]
12. Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale 1754
13. A Map of the British American Plantations, extending from Boston in New England to Georgia; including all the back Settlements in the respective Provinces, as far as the Mississipi [sic]
14. Carte des Descentes Faites en Angleterre et en Irlande Depuis Guillaume la Conquérant jusqu'à nos jours [Map of the Invasions of England and Ireland from William the Conqueror to the Present]
15. Le Pays de Tendre
16. Carte Allegorique du Voyage de la Jeunesse au pays du Bonheur
17. Carte Gastronomique de la France
18. The plumb-pudding in danger: - or - state epicures taking un petit souper - "the great Globe itself, and all which it inherit," is too small to satisfy such insatiable appetites.
19. Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection: Illustrative of the Impolicy of Slavery
20. Les 3 Chemins de l’Eternite
21. Map of Matrimony
22. Moral Map of U.S. 1837
23. Temperance Map
24. Annexation as Proposed by the House
25. Moral Map of U.S.
26. Untitled
27. I. Figura Universale Della Divina Commedia [Overview of the Divine Comedy]
28. VI. Ordinamento del Paradiso [The Ordering of Paradise]
29. III. Pianta Dell' Inferno e Itinerario di Dante [Plan of Hell and Dante's Journey]
30. IV. Veduta Interna Dell' Inferno [Cross Section of Hell]
31. A Map Shewing the Order & Causes of Salvation & Damnation
32. V. Ordinamento del Purgatorio [The Ordering of Purgatory]
33. II. Ordimento Delle Materie Del Tratto Morale Contenuto nell'Inferno sotto le Forme del Poema [Organization of the Moral Content of Hell Related to the Form of the Poem] [text]
34. La materia della Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri dichiarata in VI tavole da Michelangelo Caetani [The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Described in Six Plates by Michelangelo Caetani]
35. Die Zukunft Amerika's durch die Demokratie: Eine Uebersicht der Freien, Sklaven= und zur Sklaverei bestimmten Staaten [America’s Future Through Democracy–An Overview of the Free, Slaves, and Slavery for the States to be Determined.]
36. Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted Territories [verso]
37. Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted Territories [map and text]
38. Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted Territories
39. Reynolds's Political Map of the United States Designed to Exhibit the Comparative Area of the Free and Slave States and the Territory open to Slavery or Freedom by the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise with a Comparison of the Principal Statistics of the Free and Slave States, from the Census of 1850
40. A Map of the Cotton Kingdom and Its Dependencies in America
41. The Present Area of the Rebellion: The Loyal States and Territories of the Union in White, the Disloyal in Black
42. The Cotton Kingdom
43. How the War Commenced and How Near It Is Ended
44. Untitled (verso) New 7-30 Gold Loan of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co. Secured by First Mortgage on Railroad and Land Grant
45. Untitled
46. Map of the Northern Pacific Railroad and Its Connections
47. The New Northwest and Its Great Railroad: 7-30 Gold Loan of the Northern Pacific R.R. Co. [cover and map]
48. The New Northwest and Its Great Railroad: 7-30 Gold Loan of the Northern Pacific R.R. Co. [text, verso]
49. Why Northern Pacific Railroad 7-30 Gold Bonds Are a Good Investment for the Mechanic, Operative, Laborer and Farmer?
50. Untitled [Northern Pacific Railroad]
51. Northern Pacific Railroad Company [broadside]
52. Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877. Revised Edition.
53. Climatic Map of the Eastern Slope of the Rocky Moutains
54. Birds-Eye View of San Francisco - Peruvian Bitters
55. Peruvian Bitters [verso]
56. The Modern Moses
57. Salida - The State Capital
58. Liquordom in New York City: Where Lager Reigns, Division Street
59. Liquordom in New York City: Where Lager Reigns, Norfolk Street
60. Liquordom in New York City: Where Whiskey Reigns, South Street
61. Liquordom in New York City: Where Whiskey Reigns, Chambers Street
62. Old Honesty Non-Partisan Political Map Showing Presidential Vote of 1880 and other Election Statistics. Panorama of the History of the United States, from Revolutionary Times, Upon Which the Chief Political Events are Recorded for the Instruction and Entertainment of Chewers of Old Honesty Plug Tobacco.
63. Old Honesty Non-Partisan Political Map of the United States Showing the Presidential Vote of 1880 and Other Election Statistics (verso)
64. How the Public Domain Has Been Squandered. Map showing the 139,403,026 acres of the people's land -- equal to 871,268 farms of 160 acres each. Worth a $2 an acre, $278,806,052, given by Republican Congresses to Railroad Corporations. This is more land than is contained in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.
65. Nicknames of the States
66. Official Map of Chinatown in San Francisco : prepared under the supervision of the special committee of the Board of Supervisors. July 1885.
67. Let the Advertising Agents Take Charge of the Bartholdi Business, and the Money Will be Raised Without Delay.
68. Bartenders' Statue of License Lightening New York
69. Imperial Federation Map of the World Showing the Extent of the British Empire in 1886
70. The Whole Story in a Nutshell! Harrison's Ideas! Cleveland's Ideas!
71. A Map of the United States May Look Like This After the Annexation of Canada.
72. Rapid Transit to Sheol - Where We Are All Going According to the Reverend Dr. Morgan Dix
73. Map of New York City to accompany "The Temperance Movement or the Conflict between Man & Alcohol"
74. The Proposed Emigrant Dumping Site
75. In Darkest England and the Way Out
76. Chart of the World On Mercators Projection, Showing The Extent and Distribution of the British Empire
77. Their New Jerusalem
78. The American Pope
79. Nineteenth Precinct, First Ward, Chicago
80. The Methodist Episcopal Church in Territory Where, in 1861, Slavery Existed in the United States
81. Map of the World Showing in Red the Countries Which Own Their Railroads Wholly or in Part 1894
82. The Silver Dog With the Golden Tail. Will the Tail Wag the Dog, or the Dog Wag the Tail?
83. Blue Front Fiss, Doerr & Carroll Horse Co. - 24th St. and Lexington Ave. New York
84. The Regal Shoe
85. We Must Finish the Nicaragua Canal
86. A Thing Well Begun Is Half Done
87. Angling in Troubled Waters: A Serio-Comic Map of Europe
88. Pan-American Exposition, 1901, Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.
89. Untitled [Lighthouse saloon map of Philadelphia]
90. The Third Edition of the Navy League Wall Map of the World is Now Ready
91. His 128th Birthday. "Gee, but this is an awful stretch!"
92. A Humorous Diplomatic Atlas of Europe and Asia
93. The Navy League Wall Map of the World [verso]
94. Next!
95. Distribution of Crime in England & Wales 1902. Distribution of Drunkenness in England & Wales 1902.
96. A Map of the World (As Seen By Him)
97. San Francisco Burned District
98. Destruction of One of the Greatest Modern Cities. Bird's-Eye View of Stricken San Francisco, Showing the Burned District, Covering Twenty-Five Square Miles, with the Most Prominent Places and Buildings Carefully Indicated.
99. Untitled [Tacoma Promotional Map]
100. Wonderful Progress on Two Queens Group of Mines [verso]
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