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Saltzman talk held on the 4th of April. Capitol Hotel
Saltzman rede opgehaltn dem 4tn April. Kepitol Hotel.
זאלצמאן רעדע אָפּגעהאלטן דעם 4טן אפּריל קעפיתאָל האָטעל
3. Harcourt A. Synes to Mathew Napear (correspondence)
Kinderland, Volume 3, Number 3
5. A New Worker’s Stronghold: What Is the IWO and Why Every Worker Should Join It
Kalman Marmor Prolet-Shul, Number One, School Journal
Kalman Marmor Prolet-Shul Numer Ayns
קאלמאן מארמאָר פּראָלעט-שול נומער איינס
Prolet-Shul, June 1931, Shul 1 Bronx, School Journal
פּראָלעט–שול, יוני, 1931
Kinder Arbetn [Children's Works]: A Children's Journal
Kinder Arbetn: A Kinder Zhurnal
קינדער ארבעט: אַ קינדער זשורנאל
9. Barricade
The Spark, Volume 3, Number 2, May-June, 1932
Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 2
דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 2
Prolet Shul [Proletarian School], May 1932, Shul Journal
Prolet Shul
School and Work, Number 2, March 1932
Shul un arbet, numer 2
שול און ארבעט נומ 2
The Young Fighters, Number 1
Di yung kemfer
די יונגע קעמפער
14. Manual of the International Workers Order
The Destruction [Holocaust] in Germany
The Hammer, Worker's Monthly
Der Hamer
דער האמער
17. Policy for District Financing
18. Instructions to Printer on Pamphlet Labor Fraternalism
19. Organizer Subsidies
20. Our Coming Campaigns
21. IWO Local Organization Reports
22. The I.W.O. and Its Work Among National Groups: Purposes of the Order
23. Paul Robeson Sings for I.W.O. Day at the Civilian and National Defense Exposition
24. Draft Report Regarding Work Among National Groups
25. Rose Nelson to All IWO Women's Clubs, January 1941 (correspondence)
26. Minutes of the Plenary Session of the General Executive Board
27. Defense of Democracy, 13 Page Version With Notations
28. Defense of Democracy 10 Page Version With Notations
29. This is Treason!
30. Security with FDR
31. Sixth Convention Resolution Number One: The Main Task Before Our Order
32. Purpose of the Order 2
33. Request for Names for Radio Station Foundation or Corporation
34. Philadelphia Sickout Transit Strike of 1944
Protocol of the Sixth National Convention of the Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (formerly Jewish-American Section): Copy 1
Protokol fun der zekster natsionaler konvenshun fun dem Yisishn Fraternaler Folks-Ordn
פּראָטאָקאָל פון דער זעקסטער נאציאָנאַלער קאָנווענשאָן פון דעם אידישן פראטערנאלער פאָלקס־אָרדן
36. The Negro in American Life
Churches Assail Racial Discrimination- F.L.I.S. Press Release
Sharfer aroystrit fun Amerikaner kirkhes kegen rasen-diskriminatsiyes
שארפער ארויסטריט פון אמעריקאנער קירכעס געגען ראסען־דיסקרימינאכיעס
38. Sing, America
On Guard! Against Hitler's Attack!
Yidn fun Filadelfiye af der vakh gegn di Hitler atakes!
אידן פון פילאדעלפיע אויף דער וואך געגן די היטלער אטאקעס
40. IWO Press Release Regarding Philadelphia Transportation Strike
41. Never Again!
42. FDR "I am an American Day" Proclamation
43. IWO Issues Negro History Week Bulletin
44. Invitation to Flim "The Negro Soldier"
45. "I am an American Day," Summary Data on Participation
46. "I am an American Day," Request for Data
Twentieth Anniversary Almanac (Almanakh) of the Moshe Katz Children's School 24
Tsvantsik-yoriker yubiley almanakh fun der Moshe Katz Kinder Shul 24
צוואנציק–יאָריקער יוביליי אַלמאנאַך פון דער משה כץ אידישער קינדער–שול 24
48. Salute to Negro History Week
49. Regarding Negro History Week to All National Society Secretaries
50. Lodge 817 Fraternalist Volume 2
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