Search Results
2. A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with Part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries. Drawn from Surveys, Assisted by the Most Approved English & French Maps & Charts.
3. Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale 1754
4. A Map of the British American Plantations, extending from Boston in New England to Georgia; including all the back Settlements in the respective Provinces, as far as the Mississipi [sic]
5. A New Map of England & France. The French Invasion; - or - John Bull bombarding the Bum-Boats
6. The Kingdom of France is represented under the form of a Ship . . .
7. The Gerry-Mander, or Essex South District Formed into a Monster!
8. An eclipse lately discovered in the Georgium Sidus, and quite unexpected by any of the Astronomers
9. Moral Map of U.S. 1837
10. A Map of North America Denoting the Boundaries of the Yearly Meetings of Friends and the Locations of the Various Indian Tribes
11. Aboriginal America East of the Mississippi
12. Map Of The United States Including Oregon, Texas And The Californias, showing the Boundary claimed by the United States, Boundary offered as Compromise, Boundary Proposed by Great Britain ...
13. Untitled
14. Moral Map of U.S.
15. Moral Map of U.S.
16. Untitled
17. Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted Territories
18. Life of John Charles Fremont [portrait cover]
19. Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted Territories
20. Freedom & Slavery & the Coveted Territories [cover]
21. Reynolds's Political Map of the United States Designed to Exhibit the Comparative Area of the Free and Slave States and the Territory open to Slavery or Freedom by the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise with a Comparison of the Principal Statistics of the Free and Slave States, from the Census of 1850
22. The Present Area of the Rebellion: The Loyal States and Territories of the Union in White, the Disloyal in Black
23. The Rebel Confederacy As Claimed in 1861 and As It Is Now
24. Va fuori d'Italia... Va fuori stranier! [Get out of Italy . . . Get out stranger]
25. Map of the Southern States, Showing the Relative Proportion of Slaves in the Different Localities
26. How the War Commenced and How Near It Is Ended
27. Map of the Rebellion, As It Was in 1861 and As It Is in 1864
28. Cette Pauvre Allegmagne! - Nouvelle carte du Theatre de la . . . Paix! [Poor Germany! - New map of the theatre of . . . Peace!]
29. Sanitary and Social Chart of the Fourth Ward of the City of New York to illustrate the Necessity of Elevated Railways
30. Carte du Theatre de la Guerre des Journaux [Map of the Theatre of the War of the Newspapers]
31. La Carte de Tendre en 1869
32. La Carte de Tendre en 1869 (verso)
33. La Prusse s'Arrêtant. La Ligne Exacte De Démarcation De L'Armistice. [Prussia Halts. The Exact Line of Demarcation of the Armistice.]
34. L'Europe en ce Moment - Fantasie Politico-Geographique [Europe at This Moment - A Political-Geographic Fantasy]
35. Ou Peut Mener La Question de l'Alabama? Fantaisie Prusso - Americaine en Deux Hemispheres [Where Could the Alabama Matter Lead? - German-American Fantasy in Two Hemispheres]
36. Guet-Apens (Ambush)
37. Map of The Salt Lick Branch of The Pacific R.R.
38. A Suggestion to the Franco-American Society. Instead of “Liberty Enlightening the World” - This Brazen Statue for the Marines of the Universe.
39. Seizerism in the Winslow Affair
40. Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877. Revised Edition.
41. Home Missionary Work done by the Graduates of Lane, Oberlin & Chicago Seminaries and of Beloit, Illinois, Iowa, Knox, Marietta, Oberlin, Ripon, Western Reserve & Wabash Colleges, showing the necessity for a Missionary Training School in the New West
42. An Object Lesson in Political History. How the Democratic Party Carries Elections South and North
43. The Democratic Party's "Free Ballot and Fair Count."
44. The Modern Moses
45. Salida - The State Capital
46. Nouvelle Carte de France, d'Apres les Dernieres Decouvertes des Savants et des Explorateurs [New Map of France, After the Latest Discoveries of the Scientists and Explorers]
47. The Lion's Generosity
48. Map of the United States Exhibiting the Grants of Land Made by the General Government To Aid in the Construction of Railroads and Wagon Roads To June 30, 1883.
49. Old Honesty Non-Partisan Political Map Showing Presidential Vote of 1880 and other Election Statistics. Panorama of the History of the United States, from Revolutionary Times, Upon Which the Chief Political Events are Recorded for the Instruction and Entertainment of Chewers of Old Honesty Plug Tobacco.
50. Still the Boss
51. Old Honesty Non-Partisan Political Map of the United States Showing the Presidential Vote of 1880 and Other Election Statistics (verso)
52. How the Public Domain Has Been Squandered. Map showing the 139,403,026 acres of the people's land -- equal to 871,268 farms of 160 acres each. Worth a $2 an acre, $278,806,052, given by Republican Congresses to Railroad Corporations. This is more land than is contained in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.
53. Imperial Federation Map of the World Showing the Extent of the British Empire in 1886
54. The Essex County Gold Mines First Discovered By Summer Residents Who are now “Pillaged_Plunderd [sic] and Robbed By the Tax Collector . . .” From "Stearns"
55. The Modern Exodus from the Land of Free Trade Bondage to the Land of Protection and Plenty
56. Free Trade England Wants the Earth
57. The Whole Story in a Nutshell! Harrison's Ideas! Cleveland's Ideas!
58. A Map of the United States May Look Like This After the Annexation of Canada.
59. Map of England. A Modern St. George & The Dragon
60. La France Electorale
61. The Woods Are Full of Them
62. Influence de L'Influenza sur L'Europe. [The Influence of Influenza on Europe.]
63. État de Vermont - États-Unis, Montranant Les Fermes Abandonnés - le resultat de la Réciprocité Illimitée [The State of Vermont - United States, Showing the Farms Abandoned - as a result of Unlimited Reciprocity.]
64. A Cinch. Says Boss Croker to Boss McLaughlin: "Shake!"
65. Nineteenth Precinct, First Ward, Chicago
66. Map of New York City Showing Concrete Socialism in Red and Private Enterprises in White.
67. Map of the World Showing in Red the Countries Which Own Their Railroads Wholly or in Part 1894
68. The Silver Dog With the Golden Tail. Will the Tail Wag the Dog, or the Dog Wag the Tail?
69. "The Silver Dog With the Golden Tail" - And the Tail Wagged the Dog After All
70. One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Enemies of the Saloon in New York State
71. We Must Finish the Nicaragua Canal
72. Colonizability of Africa
73. A Thing Well Begun Is Half Done
74. Angling in Troubled Waters: A Serio-Comic Map of Europe
75. The Absent Minded Beggar
76. How the Old World Regards Uncle Sam Nowadays. A Modern Colossus Who Prevents Europe from Developing in the East and in the South.
77. The Biennial Shower
78. The Third Edition of the Navy League Wall Map of the World is Now Ready
79. His 128th Birthday. "Gee, but this is an awful stretch!"
80. The Navy League Wall Map of the World [verso]
81. Next!
82. La "pieuvre britannique" - L'Angleterre dans le nord de l'Ocean Indien [The British Octopus - England in the North Indian Ocean]
83. Культурная Еъропа [Cultural Europe]
84. География [Geography]
85. Our Political History. Our Country Has Become the Greatest Among the Nations of the Earth
86. Our Political History [timeline continued]
87. That Diminishing Blot on the Elephant
88. Reduction of the Navy League Map Illustrating British Naval History . . . Dedicated to the Children of the British Empire
89. Blanketing the Elephant
90. Blanketing the Elephant
91. The World: Good Versus Evil
92. The Map of Bryanism
93. 1892 - 1896 - 1900 - 1907
94. Australia - Its Size, its Neighbours, and its Future. The White Australia Post Card.
95. Drunken England, and Leading Opponents of the Licensing Bill
96. THE ATTENTION OF VOTERS is called to Maps below. They Speak for themselves. The Map marked "correct Map" and certified to by the City Engineer, shows the true situation. The other Map is ABSOLUTELY FALSE and willfully misleading.
97. New Jersey and the Liquor Problem
98. New Jersey and the Liquor Problem [verso]
99. Landlordism Causes Unemployment
100. [Michigan County temperance map] [verso]
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