1. Youth: its education, regimen, and hygiene Creator: Hall, G. Stanley 1844-1924. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: D. Appleton and Co., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
2. Youth in conflict Creator: Van Waters, Miriam. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Republic Pub. Co., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
3. Yarn and cloth making: an economic study : a college and normal schools text preliminary to fabric study, and a reference for teachers of industrial history and art in secondary and elementary schools Creator: Kissell, Mary Lois. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Macmillian, Publication Place: New York Format: Book
4. Wotaninwaste topa qa Psalm wowapi kin : Dakota iapi en Creator: No Author Collection: Huntington Free Library Native American Collection Location: New York Publisher: Cornell University Library Publication Place: New York Format: Book
5. World commodities and world currency Creator: Graham, Benjamin, 1894-1976. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Publication Place: London : Date: 1944 Format: Book
6. Work opportunities in American fashion design: proceedings of the Conference held in New York City, April 23 and 24, 1941. Creator: Institute of Women's Professional Relations. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Institute of Women's Professional Relations, Publication Place: New London, Conn. Format: Book
7. Working data for irrigation engineers Creator: Moritz, Ernest Anthony. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1915 Format: Book
8. Wool quality: a study of the influence of various contributory factors, their significance and the technique of their measurement Creator: Barker, Sydney George, 1887- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: H. M. Stationery Off., Publication Place: London : Date: 1931 Format: Book
9. Woollen spinning: a text-book for students in technical schools and colleges, and for skilful practical men in woollen mills. Creator: Vickernman, Charles. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Macmillan and Co., Publication Place: New York Format: Book
10. Woollen and worsted: the theory and technology of the manufacture of woollen, worsted and union yarns and fabrics Creator: Beaumont, Roberts, 1862-1924. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., Publication Place: London Format: Book