61. The Lawes against Witches, and Conjuration. And Some brief Notes and Observations for the Discovery of Witches. Being very useful for these Times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the foules of poor Creatures, in drawing them to that crying Sin of Witchcraft. Also, The Confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned for a Witch, at Ipswich in Suffolke Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for R.W. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
62. The examination, confession, triall, and execution, of Joane Williford, Joan Cariden, and Jane Hott : who were executed at Feversham in Kent, for being witches, on Munday the 29 of September, 1645 : being a true copy of their evill lives and wicked deeds, taken by the Major of Feversham and jurors for the said inquest : with the examination and confession of Elizabeth Harris, not yet executed : all attested under the hand of Robert Greenstreet, major of Feversham. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for J. G. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
63. The lawes against witches, and conivration : and some brief notes and observations for the discovery of witches : being very usefull for these times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the soules of poore creatures, in drawing them to that crying sin of witch-craft : also, the confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned for a witch, at Ipswich in Suffolke. Published by authority. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for R.W. Publication Place: London Date: 1645 Format: Book
64. The dippers dipt, or, The Anabaptists duck'd and plung'd over head and ears, at a disputation in Southwark : also a large and full discourse of their 1. originall, 2. severall sorts, 3. peculiar errours, 4. high attempts against the state, 5. capitall punishments Creator: Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. Collection: Wordsworth Collection Publication: London : Printed for N.B. and Richard Royston, 1647. Format: Book
65. Novus XVII. Inferioris Germaniæ Provinciarum. Collection: Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection Format: Image Creator: Strada, Famiano, 1572-1649 Date: 1648 Posted Date: 2015-08-25
66. Dæmonologie, and Theologie. The first, The Malady, Demonstrating the Diabolicall Arts, and Devillish hearts of Men. The Second, The Remedy: Demonstrating, God a rich Supply of all Good. By Doctor Nathanael Homes. Creator: Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by Thomas Roycroft, and are to be sold by John Martin, and John Ridley, at the Castle in Fleet-Street, neer Ram-Alley Publication Place: London Date: 1650 Format: Book
67. The Witch of Wapping or An Exact and Perfect Relation, of the Life and Devilish Practises of Joan Peterson, who dwelt in Spruce Island, near Wapping; Who was condemned for practising Witch-craft, and sentenced to be Hanged at Tyburn, on Munday the 11th of April, 1652. Shewing, How she Bewitch'd a Child, and rock'd the Cradle in the likenesse of a Cat; how she frighted a Baker; and how the Devil often came to suck her, sometimes in the likeness of a Dog, and at other times like a Squirrel. Together, With the Confession of Prudence Lee, who was burnt in Smithfield on Saturday the 10th of this instant for the murthering her Husband; and her Admonition and Counsel to all her Sex in general. Creator: Unknown Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for Tm. Spring Publication Place: London Date: 1652 Format: Book
68. Doctor Lamb revived, or, Witchcraft condemn'd in Anne Bodenham : a servant of his, who was arraigned and executed the lent assizes last at Salisbury, before the right honourable the Lord Chief Baron Wild, judge of the assise : wherein is set forth her strange and wonderful diabolical usage of a maid, servant to Mr. Goddard, as also her attempt against his daughters, but by providence delivered : being necessary for all good Christians to read, as a caveat to look to themselves, that they be not seduced by such inticements. Creator: Bower, Edmond Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: printed by T.W. for Richard Best, and John Place, and are to be Sold at their Shops in Grays-Inn-Gate and Furnivals-Inn-Gate in Holburn Publication Place: London Date: 1653 Format: Book
69. The reformed common-wealth of bees: presented in severall letters and observations to Sammuel Hartlib ; with The reformed Virginian silk-worm, containing many excellent and choice secrets, experiments, and discoveries for attaining of national and private profits and riches. Creator: Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Hive and the Honeybee Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Printed for G. Calvert Publication Place: London Date: 1655 Format: Book
70. Witchcraft Cast out from the Religious Seed and Israel of God. And the Black Art, Or, Nicromancery Inchantments, Sorcerers, Wizards, lying Divination, Conjuration, and Witchcraft, discovered, with the Ground, fruits, and effects thereof: as it is proved to be acted in the Mistery of Iniquity, by the power of darkness, and witnessed against by Scripture, and declared against also, From, and By them that the world scornfully calleth Quakers. Shewing, the danger thereof, that it may be avoided, by all that fear God, as they will answer it in the Great and Terrible day of the Lord, for he is utterly against those abominations and wicked practises, and those that hold them up, are upholders of the Devil's Kingdome, therefore a warning to you all for going to wizards for Counsell, for you go from God, to the Devill, that go to take Counsell of a wizard.... Also, some things to clear the truth from Reproaches, lies and slanders, and false accusations, occasioned by Daniel Bott and his slander-carriers, which Daniel is a member to the water baptized people, of which accusations cast upon the truth by him and his slander-carriers, truth hath cleared it self and cast out the slanders and false accusations, amongst them from whence they came, there they do remain, one truth stands clear as by the farther do appear: read and understand. Written in Warwickshire, the ninth moneth, 1654. As a Judgement upon Witchcraft, and a deniall, testimony and declaration against Witchcraft, from those that the world reproachfully calleth Quakers Creator: Farnworth, Richard Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for Giles, Calvert at the Black Spread-Eagle at the West end of Pauls Publication Place: London Date: 1655 Format: Book
71. A Candle in the Dark: or, A Treatise Concerning the Nature of Witches and Witchcraft: Being Advice to Judges, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, and Grand-Jury-men, what to do, before they passe Sentence on such as are Arraigned for their Lives as Witches. Creator: Ady, Thomas Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: printed for R[obert] I[bbitson] to be sold by Tho. Newberry at the three Lions in Cornhill by the Exchange Publication Place: London Date: 1656 Format: Book
72. A Declaration of The Ground of Error and Errors, Blasphemy, Blasphemers, and Blasphemies; and the ground of Inchantings and seducing Spirits, and the Doctrine of Devils, the Sons of Sorcerers, and the Seed of the Adulterer, and the Ground of Nicromancy, which doth defile Witches and Wizards. How this is all from the spirit of God in the transgression of it, and all them that draw from the Spirit of God, draw into it; and they that are lead by the spirit of God, are led from it to God, and to the knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ. By G. F. Creator: Fox, George, 1624-1691 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle neer the West end of Pauls Publication Place: London Date: 1657 Format: Book
73. The History of Magick By way of Apology, For all the Wise Men who have unjustly been reputed Magicians, from the Creation, to the present Age. Creator: Naudaeus, Gabriel Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for John Streater, and are to be sold by the Book-sellers of London Publication Place: London Date: 1657 Format: Book
74. A True and Faithful Relation of What passed for many Yeers between Dr. John Dee (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. Eliz. and King James their Reignes) and some spirits: Tending (had it succeeded) to a general alteration of most States and Kingdomes in the world. His private Conferences with Rodolphe Emperor of Germany, Stephen K. of Poland, and divers other Princes about it. The Particulars of his Cause, as it was agitated in the Emperors Court; by the Popes intervention: his banishment, and restoration in part. As also the letters of Sundry Great Men and Princes (some whereof were present at some of these Conferences and Apparitions of Spirits:) to the Said D. Dee. Out of the original copy, written with Dr. Dees own hand, kept in to library of Sir Tho. Cotton. With a Preface confirming the Reality (as to the Point of Spirits) of This Relation: and shewing the several good Uses that a Sober Christian may make of All. By Meric Causaubon, D. D. Creator: Dee, John, 1527-1608 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by D. Maxwell, for T. Gartwait, and sold at the Little North door of S. Pauls and other Stationers Publication Place: London Date: 1659 Format: Book
75. A Perfect Discovery of Witches. Shewing The Divine Cause of the Distractions of this Kingdome, and also of the Christian World. Justitia Thronum firmat. Prov. 19-14 The King that faithfully judgeth the poor, his Throne shall bee established. Very profitable to bee read by all sorts of People, especially Judges of Assizes, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, and Grand-Jury-men, before they passe sentence on those that are condemned for Witchcraft. By Thomas Ady, M. A. Creator: Ady, Thomas Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for R. I. to bee sold by H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-Lane Publication Place: London Date: 1661 Format: Book
76. Die Gelegenheit Des Paradeis Und Des Lands Canaan Mit Sampt Den Erst Bewohnten Landeren Der Partriarchen Auss Der H. Schrifft Und Anderen Auctoren Zusamen Getragen [The Location of Paradise and of the Land of Canaan, together with the Lands First Inhabited by the Patriarchs, from the Holy Scriptures and Other Authors, Assembled] Collection: Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection Format: Image Creator: Visscher, Nicolaes, 1618-1679 Date: 1665 Posted Date: 2015-08-25
77. A True Interpretatjon of the Witch of Endor. Spoken of in I Sam. 28. begin. at the II. Verse; Shewing, 1. How She and all other Witches do beget or produce that familiar spirit they deal with, and what a familiar spirit is, and how those Voices are procured, and Shapes appear unto them, whereby the ignorant and unbelieving people are deceived by them. [2.] It is clearly made appear in this Treatise, that no spirit can be raised without its body, neither can any spirit assume any body after death; for if the spirit doth walk, the body must walk also. 3. An Interpretation all those Scriptures, that doth seem as if spirits might go out of mens bodies when they die, and subsist in some place or other without bodies. Lastly, Several other things needful for the mind of man to know; which whoever doth understand it will be great satisfaction. [By Lodowick Muggleton.] London, Printed in the Year 1669 Creator: Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: [No publisher listed] Publication Place: London Date: 1669 Format: Book
78. Of credulity and incredulity in things divine and spiritual: wherein (among other things) a true and faithful account is given of the Platonick philosophy, as it hath reference to Christianity : as also the business of witches and witchcraft, against a late writer, fully argued and disputed. Creator: Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed by T.N. for Samuel Lownds over against Exeter-house in the Strand Publication Place: London Date: 1670 Format: Book
79. [Tabula Cebetis] Collection: Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection Format: Image Creator: de Hooghe, Romyn Date: 1670 Posted Date: 2024-04-25
80. The Question of Witchcraft Debated. Or a Discourse against their Opinion that affirm Witches, Considered and enlarged. The Second Edition. By the Author John Wagstaffe. Creator: Wagstaffe, John, 1633-1677 Collection: Digital Witchcraft Collection Publisher: Printed for Edw. Millington, at the Pelican in Duck-Lane Publication Place: London Date: 1671 Format: Book