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83. The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft. Wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of Deceivers and Impostors, And Divers persons under a passive Delusion of Melancholy and Fancy. But that there is a Corporeal League made betwixt the Devil and the Witch, Or that he sucks on the Witches Body, has Carnal Copulation, or that Witches are turned into Cats, Dogs, raise Tempests, or the like, is utterly denied and disproved. Wherein also is handled, The Existence of Angels and Spirits, the truth of Apparitions, the Nature of Astral and Sydereal Spirits, the force of Charms, and Philters; with other abstruse matters. By John Webster, Practitioner in Physick.

86. A True and Impartial Relation of the Informations Against Three Witches, Viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards. Who were Indicted, Arraigned, and Convicted at the Assizes holden for the County of Devon at the Castle of Exon, Aug. 14. 1682. With Their several Confessions, taken before Thomas Gist Mayor, and John Davie Alderman of Biddiford in the said County, where they were Inhabitants. As Also Their Speeches, Confessions, and Behaviour, at the time and place of Execution on the Twenty fifth of the said Month.

88. Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy: Discovered in Above Three Hundred Memorable Histories, Containing I. Dreadful Judgments upon Atheists, Perjured Wretches, Blasphemers, Swearers, Cursers and Scoffers. II. The Miserable Ends of divers Magicians, Witches, Conjurers, and c. with several strange Apparitions. III. Remarkable Presages of Approaching Death, and of Appeals to Divine Justice. IV. The Wicked Lives, and Woful Deaths of Wretched Popes, Apostates, and Desperate Persecutors. V. Fearful Judgments upon Cruel Tyrants, Murderers, and c. with the Wonderful Discovery of Murders. VI. Admirable Deliverances from Imminent Dangers and Deplorable Distresses at Sea and Land. VII. Divine Goodness to Penitents, with the Dying Thoughts of several Famous Men concerning a Future State after this Life. Impartially Collected from Antient and Modern Authors, of undoubted Authority and Credit, and Imbellished with divers Curious Pictures, of several Remarkable Passages therein. By R. B. [pseudonym] Author of the History of the Wars of England, and the Remarks of London, and c.

89. Pandaemonium, or, The devil's cloyster : being a further blow to modern sadduceism, proving the existence of witches and spirits, in a discourse deduced from the fall of the angels, the propagation of Satans kingdom before the flood, the idolatry of the ages after greatly advancing diabolical confederacies, with an account of the lives and transactions of several notorious witches : also, a collection of several authentick relations of strange apparitions of dæmons and spectres, and fascinations of witches, never before printed.

93. The Kingdom of Darkness: or The History of Dæmons, Specters, Witches, Apparitions, Possessions, Disturbances, and other wonderful and supernatural Delusions, Mischievous Feats, and Malicious Impostures of the Devil. Containing near Fourscore memorable Relations, Forreign and Domestick, both Antient and Modern. Collected from Authentick Records, Real Attestations, Credible Evidences, and asserted by Authors of Undoubted Verity. Together with a Preface obviating the common Objections and Allegations of the Sadduces and Atheists of the Age, who deny the Being of Spirits, Witches, and c. With Pictures of several memorable Accidents. By R. B. [pseudonym] Licensed and Entred according to Order. London, Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside. 1688

94. Saducismus Triumphatus: OR, Full and Plain Evidence Concerning Witches and Apparitions. In Two Parts. The First treating of their Possibility; The Second of their Real Existence. The Third Edition. The Advantages whereof above the former, the Reader may understand out of Dr H. More's Account prefixed thereunto. With two Authentick, but wonderful Stories of certain Swedish Witches; done into English by Anth, Norneck, D.D.

97. The Certainty of the World of the Spirits. Fully evinced by the unquestionable Histories of Apparitions and Witchcrafts, Operations, Voices, andc. Proving the Immortality of Souls, the Malice and Misery of the Devils, and the Damned, and the Blessedness of the Justified. Written for the Conviction of Sadduces and Infidels.

100. Further Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches. With the Observations of a Person who was upon the Place several Days when the suspected Witches were first taken into Examination. To which is added, Cases of Conscience Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men. Written at the Request of the Ministers of New-England. By Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge. Licensed and Entred according to Order.