Journal of home economics: Volume 59, Number 6
- For the Record
- Homemaking Unlimited--Nebraska's Rehabilitation Unit on Wheels
- The Case Study Approach to Research on Rehabilitation of Disabled Homemakers
- Extension Home Economists Contribute to a Ten-year Mental Health Program
- Safe Food Versus Food-borne Illness
- Some Factors Affecting Cooking Time in the Electronic Range
- Which Shall it Be? Yes or No to Establishing Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Education in Home Economics?
- Reactions
- Abstracts
- New Books
- In the News
- Letters
- From the Editor's Mail
- Washington News
- AHEA Representatives
- Advance Program--American Home Economics Association 58th Annual Meeting
- Editorial: Focus on Interaction
- Love and Integrity in Marriage
- The Father Role as Perceived by Young Children and Their Fathers
- Research Methodology for Home Management