Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. Facsimile of the Official Receipt from the Central Committee of Jews in Poland, CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce
A faksimile fun der ofitsiyeler bashtetigung fun Tsentraln Yidishn Komitet in Poyln
א פאקסימילע פון דער אפיציעלער באשטעטיגונג פון צענטראלן יידישן קאמיטעט אין פּוילן

2. Receipt for one million Zloty

3. Joel Lazebnik to Rubin Saltzman about Relief Efforts in Poland, November 1947 (correspondence)

4. Joel Lazebnik to Rubin Saltzman about Previous Messages, March 1948 (correspondence)

5. Radiogram about Exhibition

7. Joel Lazebnik to Rubin Saltzman about Zionism and Socialism, September 1949 (correspondence)