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142. Questions and Answers about the Rehabilitation Campaign 2
Frages un entfers vegn der rehabilitatsiye kampanye
פראגעס און ענטפערס וועגן דער רעהאביליטאציע־קאמפּאניע

143. Rubin Saltzman to JPFO Members about the "Rehabilitation and Culture Fund," July 1949 (correspondence)
A fertl milion dolar far lebn, far frayhayt, far demokratiye
א פערטל מיליאָן דאָלאר פאר לעבן, פאר פרייהייט, פאר דעמאָקראטיע

144. Help Build a New Life for the Jews of Europe and Israel: Million Dollar Rehabilitation Fund

145. Gedaliah Sandler to Joel Lazebnik about Relief Efforts in Poland, May 1950 (correspondence)

147. By R. Saltzman: Text of an Article or Speech about the Jews in Poland
fun R. Zaltsman
פון ר. זאלצמאן