Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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31. Pawel Zelicki, Marek Bitter Appeal from Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce) to the JPFO for Help, February 1946 (correspondence)

32. Alfred Grant, A. Ankelevich, Strilever to JPFO Members Announcing Fund for Interest-Free Loans, May 1946 (correspondence)

34. Y. Valman to JPFO Regarding a Returned Check, July 1946 (correspondence)

35. Y. Valman in Brussels to JPFO, June 1946 (correspondence)

36. Radiogram from Brussels about Kastner to JPFO

37. A Meeting of the National Executive, held Wednesday, June 19, 1946
A mitinf fun der natsionaler ekzekutive, opgehaltn dem 19tn Yuni, 1946
א מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, אָפגעהאלטן מיטוואָך, דעם 19טן יוני, 1946

38. Rubin Saltzman to A. N. Levin Thanking him for Contribution to Million Dollar Campaign, November 1946 (correspondence)

39. Rubin Saltzman to Pawel Zelicki about Recent Events, October 1946 (correspondence)

40. Zh. Krupat and Z. Meller of Centro Popular Hebreo de Cuba to JPFO Concerning Delegation from Poland, May 1946 (correspondence)