Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. Rubin Saltzman to Jozef F. Schiffel about Unification of the Slovak Workers Society, November 1930 (correspondence)

2. Jozef F. Schiffel to Rubin Saltzman about Slovak Society Representatives, November 1930

3. Rubin Saltzman to Henri Sloves about Books and Excerpt of Talk, November 1937 (correspondence)

4. Rubin Saltzman to Henri Sloves, Ben-Adir, and Kivilevitch about Congress Reports, November 1937 (correspondence)

5. Chaim (Henri) Sloves to Rubin Saltzman about IKUF Finances, November 1937 (correspondence)

6. Chaim (Henri) Slovès to Rubin Saltzman about the IKUF, November 1937 (correspondence)

7. Ten Years of the Jewish Workers University
Tsen Yor Yidisher Arbeter Universitet
צען יאָר אידישער ארבעטער אוניווערסיטעט

8. Rubin Saltzman to Henri Slovès about Grievances, March 1938 (correspondence)

9. The I.W.O. in Jewish Life, Fourth National Convention Report
Der Internatsionaler Arbeter Ordn in Yidishn Lebn
דער אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער אַרבעטער אָרדן אין אידישן לעבן

10. The [I.W.O.] Order in Jewish Life
Der Ordn in Yidishn lebn
דער אָרדן אין אידישן לעבן