Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. For Soviet Russia
Far Soviet Rusland
פאַר סאָוועט רוסלאנד

2. Solomon Mikhaĭlovich Mikhoėls to Rubin Saltzman, December 1942 (telegram)

4. Louis Levine to Rubin Saltzman in Appreciation for Fundraising, November 1942 (correspondence)

7. Brochure: A Gift from the Jewish People to the Red Army
A matone fun Yidishn folk tsu der Royter Armey
א מתּנה פון אידישן פאָלק צו דער רויטער אַמיי

9. Nathan Alterman and Sem Liptsin to Rubin Saltzman about Song, August 1942
Undzere Ordn tanken
אונדזערע ארדן טאנקען