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21. Meeting of the National Executive Tuesday, November 20, 1945
Miting fun der natsiyonaler ekzekutive, Dinstik dem tsvantsikstn November, 1945
מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, דינסטיק דעם 20סטן נאָוועמבער, 1945

26. Louis Lipsky to All Delegates and Affiliated National Organizations about Letter to President of the United States, January 1945 (correspondence)

27. National Board of Directors to Truman Concerning the UN, the Jews of Europe, and Trade Unionism, July 1945 (correspondence)

30. Marc Chagall to Rubin Saltzman with Letter of Introduction to the French Consul, December 1945 (correspondence)