Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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25. Central Committee of Jews in Poland to Rubin Saltzman Thanking him for his Visit, August 1946 (correspondence)

27. Meeting of the Residence Board, Wednesday the 10th of April, 1946
Miting fun rezidens bord, Mitvokh dem tsentn April, 1946
מיטינג פונ רעזידענס באאָרד, מיטוואָך דעם 10טן אפריל, 1946

28. Meeting of the National Executive Tuesday the 26th of March, 1946
Miting fun der natsiyonaler ekzekutive, Dinstik, dem zeks un tsvantsikstn Merts, 1946
מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, דינסטאָג, דעם 26טן מערץ, 1946

30. Reconstruction of Jewish Life in all Lands: Outline and Material for the Million Dollar Rehabilitation Drive of the JPFO