Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. School Yearbook, 1929
Shul-almanakh 1929
שול–אלמאנאך 1929

2. Our School, 1928
Unzer Shul, 1928
אונזער שול, 1928

4. Our School. Magazine and Graduation Program, Boro Park, 1927
Unzer Shul Graduation Koncert
אונזער שול

5. Mitlshul Our Journal
Unzer Zhurnal
אונזער זשורנאל

8. Red Star: Annual Magazine of the Brownsville Independent Jewish Workers Children's School, Number 3
Royter shtern: Yerlekher zhurnal
רויטער שטערן: יערלעכער זשורנאל

10. J. Shavelson and A. Pressberg Announce a Set of Lectures Related to Social Insurance and Legislation, January 1941