Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. Farber to JPFO Emma Lazarus Division about Children of Andrésy, June 1946 (radiogram)

2. Adam Rayski, Chaim Lederman, and I. Monikowski to Rubin Saltzman in Thanks for Supporting the Orphanage, March 1946 (radiogram)

3. Farber in Paris to Gedaliah Sandler Concerning Orphanage Documentation and Money in Brazil, July 1946 (correspondence)

4. June Gordon to Adam Rayski about Received Materials and Future Aid, November 1947 (correspondence)

6. Sh. Farber and Lazar Wein to Rubin Saltzman With An Article by Lazar Wein, January 1948 (correspondence)

7. June Gordon to Marceau Vilner with English Language Draft, October 1949 (correspondence)

8. Contents of Five Crates of Clothing from the Emma Lazarus Division
Inhalt fun di 5 kastns kleyder fun der Emma Lazarus divizie, Amerike
אינהאלט פון די 5 קאסטנס קליידער פון דער עמא לאזארוס דיוויזיע, אמעריקע

9. Sophie Shwarc and Lazar Wein to JPFO about Fundraising, January 1949 (correspondence)

10. June Gordon to Marceau Vilner about Adoption Certificates, August 1949 (correspondence)