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33. Geographische Beschreibung der Provinz Louisiana, in Canada, von dem Fluss St. Lorenz bis an den Ausfluss des Flusses Missisipi : samt einem kurtzen Bericht von dem jetzo florirenden Actien-Handel. [Geographical Description of the Province of Louisiana, in Canada, from the St. Lawrence River to the Mouth of the Mississippi River
And a Short Report of the Now Flourishing Stock Trading.] [broadside]

35. Geographische Beschreibung der Provinz Louisiana, in Canada, von dem Fluss St. Lorenz bis an den Ausfluss des Flusses Missisipi : samt einem kurtzen Bericht von dem jetzo florirenden Actien-Handel. [Geographical Description of the Province of Louisiana, in Canada, from the St. Lawrence River to the Mouth of the Mississippi River
And a Short Report of the Now Flourishing Stock Trading.] [broadside verso]

37. Carte chronologique des etats et empires du monde, qui se sont former de la chute de l'empire romain, depuis le commencement de le ere vulgaire, jusqu'a present. [Chronological map of the states and empires of the world, which were formed on the fall of the Roman Empire, from the beginning of the common era, until the present.]

38. AFBEELDINGHE van't zeer vermaerde Eiland GEKS-KOP. geligen in de Actie-ze, ontdekt door Mons.r Lau-rens, werende bewoond door een verzameling van alderhande Volkeren. die men dezen generalen Naam (Actionisten) geest. [Representation of the very famous island of Mad-head, lying in the sea of shares, discovered by Mr. Law-rens, and inhabited by a collection of all kinds of people, to whom are given the general name shareholders.]