Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. Chaim Singer Shlogler Number One, Naylebn Distributor (correspondence)
A brivele fun Chaim Zinger, shlogler numer 1 "Naylebn"-farshpreyter
א בריוועלע פון חיים זינגער, שלאָגלער נומער 1 „ניילעבן“־פאַרשפּרייטער

2. Ernest Rymer to All Brooklyn Educational Directors about Meeting, July 1946 (correspondence)

3. Saul Miller to Rubin (ובינ) Saltzman Praising his Speech, April 1946 (correspondence)

6. Chaim Zinger and Yosel Cutler Write Songs "Hitler's Defeat," September 1942
Hitlers mapole
היטלערס מפּלה

7. Chaim Zinger to Rubin Saltzman about Tank Fundraising, September 1942 (correspondence)

8. Chaim Zinger to Rubin Saltzman with Accompanying Poem, September 1942 (correspondence)

9. Nochem Weisman to Kurtz Regarding "And We, In Our Joy: Lullaby" Publication in the Tribune (correspondence)
Un mir, in der freyd
(און מיר, אין דער פרייד (וויג־ליד