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31. Jacob Fishbein to Rubin Saltzman Regarding Library Book Donations, January 1947 (correspondence)

32. Radiogram from Poland with Rosh Hashanah Wishes

33. Central Committee of Jews in Poland to Rubin Saltzman about Future Activities, October 1947 (correspondence)

34. Joel Lazebnik to Rubin Saltzman about Relief Efforts in Poland, November 1947 (correspondence)

35. Rubin Saltzman to Bernard Ber Mark about Work for the Almanac, February 1947 (correspondence)

36. To Help Our Brothers and Sisters in All Countries
Tzu Hilf: Unzerer Brider un Shvester in Ale Lender
צו הילף אונדזערע ברידער און שוועסטער אין אלע לענדער

38. Report of the Activities of the Central Committee of the Jews in Poland for the 9 Months in the Year 1947
Berikht fun der tetikayt fun Tsentral Komitet fun di Yidn in Poyln far 9 khadoshim in yor 1947
בעריכט פון דער טעטיקייט פון צענטראל קאָמיטעט פון די יידן אין פוילן פאר 9 חדשים אין יאָר 1947

40. Summary of Pre-Convention Problems
Konspekt iber far-konvenshon problemen
קאָנספּעקט איבער פאר־קאָנווענשאָן פּראָבלעמען