Cornell University Library Digital Collections

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1. Bernard Ber Mark to Rubin Saltzman Promising Articles for Almanac (Almanakh), December 1946 (correspondence)

2. Radiogram about Exhibition

3. Rubin Saltzman to Michal Mirski of New Life Newspaper Telling of Linotype Machine Delivery, February 1946 (correspondence)

4. Radiogram from Poland with Rosh Hashanah Wishes

5. Rubin Saltzman to P. Mirski (correspondence)

7. Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich to Rubin Saltzman Requesting Medicine, May 1949 (radiogram)

8. Central Committee of Jews in Poland to Rubin Saltzman about Future Activities, October 1947 (correspondence)

9. Receipt for one million Zloty

10. Salo Fiszgrund and Pawel Zelitsky to Rubin Saltzman about Receipt for 22 Million Zlotys, August 1946