Volume 79, Number 2: American journal of agricultural economics
- Hotelling's Theory, Enhancement, and the Taking of the Redwood National Park
- Auctioning Conservation Contracts: A Theoretical Analysis and an Application
- Implications of Disaster Assistance Reform for Non-Insured Crops
- Designing and Rating an Area Yield Crop Insurance Contract
- The Pricing of Revenue Assurance
- Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components
- Estimating the Values of Cattle Characteristics Using an Ordered Probit Model
- Transfer Costs, Spatial Arbitrage, and Testing for Food Market Integration
- Toward a Positive Economic Theory of Hedging
- On Market Equilibrium Analysis
- A Spatial Analysis of Maize Marketing Policy Reforms in Zambia
- Land Use with Heterogeneous Land Quality: An Application of an Area Base Model
- The Effect of Farm Supply Shifts on Concentration and Market Power in the Food Processing Sector
- Dynamics of Beef Cow Herd Size: An Inventory Approach
- Technical Change and Model Specification: U.S. Agricultural Production
- The Effect of Supply Management on Herd Size in Alberta Dairy
- Dietary Bounds and Unshackled Demand Specifications
- A Microeconometric Analysis of Consumer Taste Determination and Taste Change for Beef
- The Role of Husbands and Wives in Farm Technology Choice
- Commercialization and the Balance of Women's Dual Roles in Non-Income-Pooling West African Households
- Female Labor Force Participation: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Families
- Bargaining Models for Farm Household Decision Making: Discussion
- Spatial and Temporal Specialization in Forest Ecosystem Management under Sole Ownership
- Can Developing Countries Afford the New Food System? A Case Study of the Chinese Agricultural Sector
- Will Foreign Capital Build Food Systems in Developing Countries?
- Farmers and Markets: The Political Economy of New Paradigms
- From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems: The Transformation of Asian Agriculture
- Liberalization and Rural Market Integration in China
- From Subsistence Systems to Commercial Agriculture: The Need for a New Development Paradigm: Discussion
- Assessing the Role of Public Research and Extension Policies in Promoting Improved Performance of the Agro-Food Marketing System
- Rethinking the Role of Government in Agri-Food Markets
- Potential Effects of Information Technologies on the Economic Performance of Agricultural and Food Markets
- The Impact of Freer Markets and Trade on Agri-Food Marketing Policy and Government Institutions: Discussion
- Dynamic Optimal Management of Wind-Erosive Rangelands
- The Link between Public and Private Interhousehold Transfers: Implications for the Design of Safety Net Programs in Developing Countries
- Food Aid Impacts on Safety Nets: Theory and Evidence--A Conceptual Perspective on Safety Nets
- Public Works as an Anti-Poverty Program: An Overview of Cross-country Experience
- The Role of Safety Nets during the Process of Economic Growth: Discussion
- Books Reviewed
- PhD Recipients by Subject, 1996
- PhD Recipients by Institution, 1996
- Diversification in Agricultural Production: A Dynamic Model of Optimal Cropping to Manage Soil Erosion
- Structural versus Reduced-Form Estimation of Optimal Stopping Problems
- Tenure Security, Investment and Productivity in Gambian Agriculture: A Generalized Probit Analysis
- The Seasonal and Spatial Dimensions of Sorghum Market Liberalization in Mexico
- The Meaning of Kinship in Sharecropping Contracts