Volume 79, Number 4: American journal of agricultural economics
- Agricultural Productivity Revisited
- Generlzed Models of Japanese Demand for Fish
- Variations on Invariance or Some Unpleasant Nonparametric Arithmetic
- Functional Separability and Elasticities of Complementarity
- On Price Indices in the Almost Ideal Demand System
- The Logic of Testing Structural Change in Meat Demand: A Methodological Analysis and Appraisal
- Potential Demand for Drought Insurance in Burkina Faso and Its Determinants
- Commodity Price Stabilization in a Peasant Economy
- Optimal Management of a Renewable and Replaceable Resource: The Case of Coastal Groundwater
- Intellectual Property Rights and the Welfare Effects of Agricultural R&D
- Functional Forms, Exogenous Shifts, and Economic Surplus Changes
- International Productivity Patterns: Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure, and Research
- The Effects of Imperfect Competition on the Size and Distribution of Research Benefits
- Reforms, the Weather, and Productivity Growth in China's Grain Sector
- Labor Migration and Returns to Rural Education in China
- Measuring the Extent of Coalition Formation in Group Decision Making
- Third-Country Effects and Second-Best Grain Trade Policies: Export Subsidies and Bilateral Liberalization
- Returns, Interest Rates, and Inflation: How They Explain Changes in Farmland Values
- Priorities and Preferences in the Allocation of MPP Branded Funds to Agribusiness Firms
- Monetary Shocks and Relative Farm Prices: A Re-examination
- Asymmetric Adjustment of Dynamic Factors at the Firm Level
- Development of Statistical Discriminant Mathematical Programming Model Via Resampling Estimation Techniques
- The Changing Values of the Cooperative and Its Business Focus
- The Calculation of Research Benefits with Linear and Nonlinear Specifications of Demand and Supply: Comment
- The Calculation of Research Benefits with Linear and Nonlinear Specifications of Demand and Supply: Reply
- Measuring the Importance of Transaction Costs in Cattle Marketing
- Optimal Capacity in the Anhydrous Ammonia Industry
- The Dynamics of Convenience and Brazilian Soybean Boom
- Reducing Yield Variation in Peach Orchards by Geographic Scattering
- Theory and Measurement of Exotic Options in U.S. Agricultural Support Programs
- Optimal Sequential Grain Marketing Decisions under Risk Aversion and Price Uncertainty