Journal of home economics: Volume 2, Number 2
- School Feeding in Europe
- Kansas State Agricultural College
- MacDonald Institute, Guelph, Ontario
- Hebrew Technical School, New York City
- Trade School for Girls, Cambridge, Mass
- Fairhaven (Mass) High School
- New York City Public Schools
- Manual Training High School, Berlin, Ontario, Canada
- Popular Education in Dietetics
- Emma Hart Willard - A Pioneer in the Higher Education of Women
- The Economics of the Family. A Suggested Course for the Department of Home Economics
- School Lunches
- Summer Meetings of the American Home Economics Association
- Editorials
- News From Institutions
- News From Institutions
- Books and Literature
- A Study of the Under-Nourished School Children of Baltimore
- Experiments with School Lunches in New York City
- Report of the Penny Lunches Served by the Starr Centre Association, Philadelphia
- Boston High School Lunches
- School Dinners in London Schools
- Economy of Materials in Domestic Science Teaching: The School Lunch
- Teachers College, New York City