Journal of home economics: Volume 38, Number 7
- For the Need of Our Times
- Convention Resume
- Introducing New AHEA Officers
- Abstracts
- American Home Economics Association: Annual Business Meeting
- AHEA: Division and Department Plans for Action in 1946-47
- AHEA: Divisions and Departments: Reports of the Year's Work
- AHEA: Reports of Commitees
- AHEA: Reports of Representatives and Fellows
- AHEA: Reports of Staff Officers
- AHEA Constitution and By-laws
- The Consumer and Congress
- AHEA: Reports of Treasurer, Investment Committee, Budget Commitee, and Auditor
- Officers and Commitees
- Presidents of Affiliated State Associations
- Index to Association Business Reports
- Food in the International Situation
- Freedom from the Dominance of Things
- The Consumer's Investment in Housing
- Sources of Improved Living on Family Farms
- The Consumer Speaks
- Recruiting Home Economists Through a Job Well Done
- A Home for Home Economics