Journal of home economics: Volume 46, Number 4
- Washington News
- Dry Mix and Forzen Baked Products
- Dry Mix and Frozen Cakes
- Dry Mix and Frozen Muffins
- HNHE Reporting
- Annual Meeting
- College Clubs
- In Short
- Comment
- Opportunities for Special Summer Study
- Abstracts
- Home Economics in Education for Living
- New Books
- News Notes
- Flashes from Our Advertisers and Exhibitors
- Progress in a State Homemaking Program through Annual Conferences
- Planning for he Mental Retardate
- Scholarships Weld Links of Friendship
- A Commission Plans for Accrediting
- Nutrition Education in the Elementary School
- Use of Protective Techniques in the Study of Children and Families
- Iowa School Lunch Programs in Schools with Twelve Grades