Journal of home economics: Volume 56, Number 7
- AHEA Program of Work...1964-66
- The Leadership Challenge to College Chapters
- 1963-64 Report of Activities
- Resolutions from the 1964 Annual Meeting
- Plans for Action
- Membership Report of State Home Economics Associations
- Presidents of Affiliated State Associations (1964-65) and Fall Meeting Dates
- American Home Economics Association Estimated Budget for 1964-65
- Constitution and Bylaws of the American Home Economics Association
- Officers and Committees--1964-65
- New Books
- New AHEA Officers
- In the News
- From the Editor's Mail
- AHEA Highlights
- For the Record
- John H. McCain Presents Borden Award to Betty Watts
- The International Leadership Challenge
- Your Potential for Leadership
- Headlines from the 55th Annual Meeting
- 1964-65 AHEA Fellowship Awards