Journal of home economics: Volume 59, Number 9
- For the Record
- Perceptions of Clothing Conformity
- Service Wear and Accelerator Wear of Muslin Sheets
- Palatability and Yield of Whole and Cut-up Turkeys Roasted from Frozen and Thawed States
- Concerns of Home Economics Students Preceding Their Student Teaching Experiences
- A Guiding Star for Modern Nutrition
- Continuing Education for Home Economics
- Employed and Nonemployed Homemakers--How They Manage
- Teenage Economic Behavior: Earning and Saving
- AHEA Representatives
- College Chapters: Government Agencies Workshop
- Letters
- College Chapters: Community Involvement
- Abstracts
- New Books
- In the News
- From the Editor's Mail
- Washington News
- Headquarters Reception Honors New AHEA Executive Director
- Editorial: "When You Put a Thing in Order..."
- What is a Home Economist to Do?
- What's in a Name?
- Original Art Ownership--A Report on Art Consumption
- Framework for Studying Family Activity Patterns