Journal of home economics: Volume 62, Number 7
- For the Record
- 1969-70 Report of AHEA Activities
- The AHEA Program of Work
- Plans for Action
- The AHEA Legislative Objectives
- Bylaws of the American Home Economics Association
- Resolutions from the 1970 Annual Meeting
- AHEA Membership Report
- Officers and Committees-- 1970-71
- Presidents of Affiliated State Associations (1970-71) and Meeting Dates
- In the News
- Anniversary Fund Campaign Report
- From the Editor's Mail
- New Books
- The 1970-71 AHEA Board of Directors
- AHEA's Newest Honorary Member--Helen Humes Lamale
- The Family Segment of the National Economy
- The Family Faces Change--AHEA's 61st Annual Meeting
- The White House Conference on Children and Youth
- 1970-71 AHEA Fellowship Awardees