Journal of home economics: Volume 6, Number 3
- The Training of the School Dietitian
- Household Administration, Home Economics and Domestic Science
- The Home Maker's School
- The Equipment of the Washington Irving High School
- Public Baths in Large Cities
- Health Hints for Summer
- The Need of Trained Assistants in the Home
- Home Canning
- A Distinguished Worker in the Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
- Editorials
- Housekeepers' Department
- The Administration of School Lunches in Cities
- The Woman's Market Club of Greensburg, Pennsylvania
- Business Management in the Home
- Points in Efficiency
- Treatment of Household Waste
- Bibliography for Home Economics Literature
- Books and Literature
- Books Received
- News From the Field
- The Biennial, General Federation of Women's Clubs
- Household Science in Secondary Schools
- Pure Textiles
- The Relation of House Planning to Home Economics
- Present Tendencies in Household Arts Teaching
- Some Experiments in the Teaching of Foods and Sanitation
- The Need of Home Economics in Education
- Home Economics and Higher Education