Volume 103, Number 2: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- Choosing a Leader
- Canyon Kiddies
- Toby Tortoise Returns
- Window in Heaven. Part IV
- How Much House Your Money will Buy
- French Normandy Type House
- 16th-17th Century English House
- Wallpaper Sets the Keynote
- A Modern Nursery for Two Children
- Wildwood Personages
- North Wind, South Wind
- Rain in the Country (Poem)
- A Garden Path (Poem)
- Let's Go Swimming!
- Dr. Eddy's Question-Box
- Girl of India. Conclusion
- Cobwebs (Poem)
- Autumn Hats from Paris
- Do You Dress Well?
- Back-To-School and Play Clothes
- Smart Young Moderns Going to College
- Practical Lingerie for College Girls
- Lady Smith
- Fur-Buying Foresight
- College Clothes we will Buy for You
- The Sewing Room
- Sewing Lesson--Children's Clothes
- The Ingrate
- Easy Ways for Lazy Days
- California--Meeting Place of Recipes
- Cooking Tips from the Institute Kitchens
- New Ways to Use Jelly
- Sheets that Cover Your Toes
- Making Heaven on Earth
- Cool Notes on August Housekeeping
- A Glowing Skin Means Glowing Health
- Knitting for the Home
- The Entertainment Page
- Program for Charm
- Not Without (Poem)
- Song (Poem)
- Refuge (Poem)
- The Beauty Clinic
- Great-Aunt Lavinia. Part II
- When Love Comes My Way
- Those of the Gallant Heart
- Not Enough Money for College
- New World Symphony