Volume 108, Number 2: Good housekeeping
From Good housekeeping
- In Our Own back Yard
- Take a Number
- The Gay Old Dog
- American Legend. Part III
- A Test for Femininity
- The Sounds of Wings
- Always the Three of Them
- The Town Cried Murder. Conclusion
- Imaginary Line
- This is Tomorrow
- Sword of Silence (Poem)
- Facts and Fiction
- Mother, Why Can't You Look Smart?
- Turning One Dress Into Five
- I Choose a Monk's Robe
- All You Need is a Skirt--or Slacks
- Something New About the House
- Eat Wisely for Your Baby's Sake
- Futility (Poem)
- Dr. Eddy's Question-Box
- Keep Your Beauty in Winter
- Five Ways to Brighten Your Plumage
- The Strife of the Party
- We Test and Tell
- Old Fashion Charm in Needlework
- Society Dog Show
- The Dream Shine On
- News in Building and Decorating Circles
- Canyon Kiddies
- A Portfolio of Remodelling
- You Don't Have to Live in an Ugly House!
- Closets Where None Were Before
- You'd Never Know the Bathroom
- They Used to Call it Petting
- There's Magic in Remodelling
- Granary Into Bunkroom
- After All (Poem)
- Counting Vitamins and Counting Costs
- How Good Cooks are Made
- First Aid for Ailing Finances
- Budget Meals
- What Every Consumer Needs
- I'd Like to Know
- Parties After New Year's and Before Lent
- Comsumers' Forum
- Visits to the Grocer
- Silence (Poem)
- To Whom it May Concern
- The Knocking at the Door
- By Reputation. Conclusion
- Wasn't the Regular Public School Good Enough for Us?