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5. Summary of Pre-Convention Problems
Konspekt iber far-konvenshon problemen
קאָנספּעקט איבער פאר־קאָנווענשאָן פּראָבלעמען

6. Sophie Shwarc and Lazar Wein to JPFO about Fundraising, January 1949 (correspondence)

8. Sam Pevzner to Educational Directors of All Lodges about Education Resources, March 1946 (correspondence)

9. Rubin Saltzman to the Jewish Historical Institute (CŻKH) Acknowledging Receipt of Exhibition Material, July 1948 (correspondence)

10. Rubin Saltzman to Reuben Guskin at the Hebrew Actors Union, September 1946 (correspondence)

11. Rubin Saltzman to Marek Bitter about Typewriting Machine, May 1948 (correspondence)

12. Rubin Saltzman to Marc Chagall Thanking him for Gift, October 1946 (correspondence)

13. Rubin Saltzman to Marc Chagall about Books and Future Publication, January 1946 (correspondence)

14. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik Regarding Relief Efforts in Poland, October 1947 (correspondence)

15. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik Regarding Exhibition, April 1949 (correspondence)

16. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik about Business, April 1948 (correspondence)

17. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik about Books, October 1948 (correspondence)

18. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik about American Jewish Congress Politics, October 1949 (correspondence)

20. Rubin Saltzman to Ilya Ehrenberg about Attending Anniversary Event in NYC, May 1946 (correspondence)

21. Rubin Saltzman to Hersh Smolar Folkshtimme Editor about Articles, February 1947 (correspondence)

22. Rubin Saltzman to Chaim Slovès Regarding Culture Congress, May 1947 (correspondence)

23. Rubin Saltzman to Centralny Komitet Zydow Polskich Regarding Money for Jewish Children's Home, March 1946 (correspondence)

24. Rubin Saltzman to Centralny Komitet Zydow Polskich Regarding Money for Jewish Children's Home, March 1946 (cable)

25. Rubin Saltzman to Central Committee of Jews in Poland, August 1946 (correspondence)

26. Rubin Saltzman to Bernard Ber Mark about Work for the Almanac, February 1947 (correspondence)

28. Rubin Saltzman to Adolf Berman and Joel Lazebnik about Greetings and Well Wishes, September 1947 (correspondence)

29. Rubin Saltzman to Aaron Tsofnt about Copies of Yidishe Shriftn, February 1947 (correspondence)

30. Rubin Saltzman [Reuben Zaltsman] in Lower Silesia
Reuven Zaltsman in Nider-Silezie
ראון זאלצמאן אין נידער–שלעזיע

31. Reminder for Book Launching of "Never to Forget"

34. Receipt for one million Zloty

35. Rafal Gerber and Nachman Blumental to Rubin Saltzman about Accompanying Exhibition Material for New York, June 1948 (correspondence)

36. Radiogram about Exhibition

38. Protocol of meetings of the National Board of Directors, JPFO, held in Ridgefield, Connecticut, November 18 - 20, 1949
Protokol fun di zitsungen fun der natsionaler direktorn-bord, Yidisher fraternaler folks-ordn, opgehaltn in Ridgefield, Conn. November 18-20, 1949
פּראָטאָקאָלן פון די זיצונגען פון דער נאציאָנאלער דירעקטאָרן־באָרד, אידישער פראטערנאלער פאָלקס אָרדן, א.א.א. אָפּגעהאלטן אין רידזשפילד, קאָנ. נאָוועמבער 18–20, 1949

39. Program for Evenings Dedicated to the Memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
פּראָגראם פאר אָוונטן בעווידמעט דעם אנדענק פון אויפסתאנד אין ווארשעווער געטאָ

42. Moses P. Epstein to Rubin Saltzman on Naming Children's Wing of Tuberculosis Hospital, May 1947 (correspondence)

43. Moses Lachs in Bucharest to JPFO Requesting Assistance, March 1947 (correspondence)

44. Menashe Unger in Mexico to Rubin Saltzman (correspondence)

45. Marc Chagall to Rubin Saltzman with Letter of Introduction to the French Consul, December 1945 (correspondence)

47. Louis Levine to Rubin Saltzman in Appreciation for Fundraising, November 1942 (correspondence)

49. Leonard E. Golditch to Rubin Saltzman Regarding Fundraising Dinner, June 1947 (correspondence)

50. Julius Shatz to JPFO Requesting Copies of "In Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto: Program and Materials", March 1947 (correspondence)