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4. By R. Saltzman: Text of an Article or Speech about the Jews in Poland
fun R. Zaltsman
פון ר. זאלצמאן

6. Gedaliah Sandler to Joel Lazebnik about Relief Efforts in Poland, May 1950 (correspondence)

9. Chaim Singer Shlogler Number One, Naylebn Distributor (correspondence)
A brivele fun Chaim Zinger, shlogler numer 1 "Naylebn"-farshpreyter
א בריוועלע פון חיים זינגער, שלאָגלער נומער 1 „ניילעבן“־פאַרשפּרייטער

13. Questions and Answers about the Rehabilitation Campaign 2
Frages un entfers vegn der rehabilitatsiye kampanye
פראגעס און ענטפערס וועגן דער רעהאביליטאציע־קאמפּאניע

15. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik about American Jewish Congress Politics, October 1949 (correspondence)

17. Albert E. Kahn and Rubin Saltzman to JPFO Lodges, Emma Lazarus Clubs and Children's Schools about Participation in Campaign, ca. 1947

18. Lev Sheyne to Rubin Saltzman Requesting Yiddish Books for Schools, May 1948 (correspondence)

22. Rafal Gerber and Nachman Blumental to Rubin Saltzman about Accompanying Exhibition Material for New York, June 1948 (correspondence)

23. Rubin Saltzman to Lev Sheyne about School Books, April 1948 (correspondence)

24. Rubin Saltzman to the Jewish Historical Institute (CŻKH) Acknowledging Receipt of Exhibition Material, July 1948 (correspondence)

25. The Situation of the Jews After the World War
Di lage fun di Yidn nokh dem velt-krig
די לאגע פון די אידן נאָך דעם וועלט–קריג (קאנספעקט פאר איינלייטונגען און דיסקוסיעס)

26. Week of Jewish Culture in the Bronx

27. Educational-Cultural Bulletin No. 1

28. Educational-Cultural Bulletin No. 2

30. Free the Jews from the European Concentration Camps!

34. In Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto: Program and Materials
In ondenk fun der varshever geto: Program un materialn
אין אָנדענק פון דער וואַרשעווער געטאָ

35. Joel Lazebnik and F. Zavidovitch to Rubin Saltzman Regarding Youth Gathering, July 1947 (correspondence)

36. Julius Shatz to JPFO Requesting Copies of "In Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto: Program and Materials", March 1947 (correspondence)

40. Meeting of the National Executive, Wednesday, the 12th of March, 1947
Miting fun der natsiyonaler ekzekutive, Mitvokh, dem tsvelftn Merts, 1947
מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, מיטוואָך, דעם 12טן מערץ, 1947

41. Open the Gates of the United States to 100,000 Homeless Jews! Let My People In!

42. Program for Evenings Dedicated to the Memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
פּראָגראם פאר אָוונטן בעווידמעט דעם אנדענק פון אויפסתאנד אין ווארשעווער געטאָ

43. Reconstruction of Jewish Life in all Lands: Outline and Material for the Million Dollar Rehabilitation Drive of the JPFO

45. Rubin Saltzman to Adolf Berman and Joel Lazebnik about Activities in Poland, November 1947 (correspondence)

46. Rubin Saltzman to Chaver Shimon in Reaction to Elections in Poland, February 1947 (correspondence)

47. Rubin Saltzman to Joel Lazebnik about Donations, October 1947 (correspondence)

48. Rubin Saltzman to Marek Bitter Confirming Support, May 1947 (correspondence)

49. Rubin Saltzman to Pawel Zelicki Regarding the Jews of Zamość, January 1947 (correspondence)

50. To Help Our Brothers and Sisters in All Countries
Tzu Hilf: Unzerer Brider un Shvester in Ale Lender
צו הילף אונדזערע ברידער און שוועסטער אין אלע לענדער

51. A Memorandum Regarding Our Stance Towards A Jewish National Home in Palestine
A memorandum vegn unzer shtelung tsu a natsiyonaler Yidisher heym in Palestine
א מעמאָראנדום וועגן אונדזער שטעלונג צו א נאציאָנאלער אידישער היים אין פאלעסטינע

53. Adolf Abraham Berman and Pawel Zelicki to Rubin Saltzman on His Departure, August 1946 (correspondence)

54. Adolf Abraham Berman and Pawel Zelicki to Rubin Saltzman thanking him for his support during their visit, August 1946

55. Alfred Grant, A. Ankelevich, Strilever to JPFO Members Announcing Fund for Interest-Free Loans, May 1946 (correspondence)

56. Central Committee of Jews in Poland to Rubin Saltzman Thanking him for his Visit, August 1946 (correspondence)

58. Edward C. Carter to Rubin Saltzman about American Society for Russian War Relief, Inc., June 1946 (correspondence)

59. Ernest Rymer to All Brooklyn Educational Directors about Meeting, July 1946 (correspondence)

60. Ernest Rymer to All Executive Committee Members of Young Peoples Lodges - Brooklyn JPFOs about Meeting, August 1946 (correspondence)

61. Ernest Rymer to All Lodges and All Emma Lazarus Division Chapters about Upcoming Conference, December 1946 (correspondence)

64. F. Zelitsky and Adolf Abraham Berman to Rubin Saltzman about Visit to Poland, August 1946 (correspondence)

65. Facsimile of the Official Receipt from the Central Committee of Jews in Poland, CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce
A faksimile fun der ofitsiyeler bashtetigung fun Tsentraln Yidishn Komitet in Poyln
א פאקסימילע פון דער אפיציעלער באשטעטיגונג פון צענטראלן יידישן קאמיטעט אין פּוילן

66. Fundraising Booklet: Million Dollar Campaign to Rehabilitate the Jewish People in All Lands

67. Gedaliah Sandler to American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists Regarding Unsold Tickets, April 1946 (correspondence)

69. Gedaliah Sandler to Rubin Saltzman Regarding Draft of JPFO Response to Kielce Pogrom, July 1946 (correspondence)

70. Gedaliah Sandler to Rubin Saltzman in Chicago with Travel Arrangements, October 1946 (correspondence)

73. JPFO Office to Rubin Saltzman in Warsaw about Events in Poland, July 1946 (correspondence)

75. JPFO to American Committee of Jewish Writers and Artists Regarding Payment for Black Book, May 1946 (correspondence)

76. JPFO to American Committee of Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists Regarding Payment, April 1946 (correspondence)

78. Jeannette Schiffer to Michael M. Nisselson about Contribution to the American Fund for Palestinian Institutions, January 1946 (correspondence)

79. Meeting of the National Executive Tuesday the 26th of March, 1946
Miting fun der natsiyonaler ekzekutive, Dinstik, dem zeks un tsvantsikstn Merts, 1946
מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, דינסטאָג, דעם 26טן מערץ, 1946

81. Meeting of the National Executive, Wednesday the 24th of April, 1946
Miting fun der natsiyonaler ekzekutive, Mitvokh dem 24tn April, 1946
מיטינג פון דער נאציאָנאלער עקזעקוטיווע, מיטוואָך דעם 24טן אפריל, 1946

83. Michael M. Nisselson to Rubin Saltzman about American Fund for Palestine, March 1946 (correspondence)

85. New York Office to Rubin Saltzman in Warsaw Regarding Kielce, July 1946 (correspondence)

86. New York Office to Rubin Saltzman in Warsaw in Response to Previous Letter, July 1946 (correspondence)

88. Paul (Pesach) Novick to Rubin Saltzman, correspondence from Paris

89. Pawel Zelicki, Marek Bitter Appeal from Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce) to the JPFO for Help, February 1946 (correspondence)

91. Press Release: Reuben Saltzman Ten Week Visit to Europe

92. Radiogram from Jewish Antifascist Committee

93. Receipt for 1 Million Zlotys, August 1946

96. Receipt from Bernard Mark to Rubin Saltzman and Paul (Pesach) Novick

100. Receipts for Funds Received in July and August of 1946