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5. Mrs. Moses P. Epstein to Rubin Saltzman Thanking him for Contribution to Hadassah, June 1945 (correspondence)

6. Report by R. Saltzman to the National Board, Meeting of June 7th, 1946
Berikht fun R. Saltzman, tsu der natsionaln-bord, zitsung, dem 7tn Yuni, 1946.
בעריכט צו דער נאציאָנאלער באָארד. זיצונג דעם 7טן יוני, 1946

7. In Service to the People: Almanac (Almanakh) of the Jewish People's-Order
In dinst fun folk: Almanakh fun Yidishn Folks-Ordn
אין דינסט פון פאָלק: אלמאַנאַך פון יידישן פאָלקס–אָרדן

8. Rubin Saltzman and Albert E. Kahn to Henry Monsky about the Scope and Purpose of the American Jewish Conference, February 1947 (correspondence)

9. Moses P. Epstein to Rubin Saltzman on Naming Children's Wing of Tuberculosis Hospital, May 1947 (correspondence)